Archived How to sell SPP?

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Hardlines TM
May 29, 2017
Hey, I'm Hardlines and sometimes cover electronics breaks. I'm wondering how we actually sell the protection plans, and what they cover? Like if someone is interested, what do we do?
Hey, I'm Hardlines and sometimes cover electronics breaks. I'm wondering how we actually sell the protection plans, and what they cover? Like if someone is interested, what do we do?

There should be pamphlets at the electronics boat that tell you what is covered and what is not. Often stuff like a broken screen is not covered so the plans are fairly pointless.
I dont offer on stupid stuff like headphones or games. Simple are you interested in the protect plan is all you have to say.
I dont offer on stupid stuff like headphones or games. Simple are you interested in the protect plan is all you have to say.
If they are interested what do we do? Just grab one and scan it?
Grab the pamphlet and scan the correct price point. For example, if the game is costs $10, you should see a price point $1-$50. You scan that barcode because it's between that price, then you scan the barcode at the bottom of the sheet.
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