Archived HR ideas

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Sep 20, 2011
So our hr is a little short on tm's right now so I promised the Tl of hr I would help them plan fff events for the team members at my store and I was just wondering what are some stellar events your guys store has done?
So our hr is a little short on tm's right now so I promised the Tl of hr I would help them plan fff events for the team members at my store and I was just wondering what are some stellar events your guys store has done?

one small thing that makes a world of difference with the team is during the morning huddle, have a little contest. For example, we had a hula hoop contest. I involved myself knowing full well i was gonna make a joke of myself (but who doesnt love to watch a leader in the building do that?!?) needless to say, when the huddle ended.. i never seen more smiles and laughs and willingness to enjoy their job.
So our hr is a little short on tm's right now so I promised the Tl of hr I would help them plan fff events for the team members at my store and I was just wondering what are some stellar events your guys store has done?

Have a contest where team members see who can cover the most of human resources responsibilities. Winner recieves a paycut and has to buy hr lunch as a bonus for all the wonderful things they are doing for your store!
Have a contest where team members see who can cover the most of human resources responsibilities. Winner recieves a paycut and has to buy hr lunch as a bonus for all the wonderful things they are doing for your store!

They're short because when I went for my promotion their one tm also went for the same position. She said if I got it she would leave. They said they would like to see her in more of a leadership role and maybe work with me, us me to develop they're short a person and trust me with half the store still in high school hr has their hands full
What about volunteer events? We've done bingo at the retirement home down the street a million times...were helping orgi ize a food panty in novemeber (not donating just cleaning) and maybe helping a forest preserve in October but we need a December one
Food ideas are what all teams love. Think outside the box. Have a breakfast day, cereal and milk all day long. Chili cookoff! Cookie Swap during the holidays. On the first big snowfall, get some cocoa packets and marshmallows in the breakroom. Have a blind taste test in the break room, Archer Farms vs National Brands. Set up a 2 tables with tortilla chips and dips (table one and table 2) let the the team vote which they liked better. Team gets to eat and you can drive some brand sales.I love the impromptu snacks in the breakroom. Had a great green visit? Get a cake from the bakery frosted green. Big thing with food, is make sure there is fresh product at least 3 times per day, morning team, midday and closing teams. Closers deserve more than chip crumbs and crusty salsa.
Going into winter hold a mitten/hat drive. Have everyone bring in gently used mittens and hats, wash and donate to a local shelter or school. Create a Book Nook. With the emphasis on reading and the current library makeovers Target is sponsoring why not have an area in the break room with some best sellers or classics that the team can read on break or lunch. Hold a Crazy Sock week. We have to wear red and khaki but what we wear for socks can be very individual. Of course the winner would win a pair of socks. A puzzle table is a great stress reliever. Anyone can sit down and work on it for 15 minutes and not think about work. (This is one thing our team loves) Share vacation photos!. Encourage team members to bring in a favorite photo of their vacation, put up a map and let them pushpin their destination too. How about a reuse/recycle day? Find four or five items that people throw out daily (tp tube, kleenex box, pill bottle,egg carton) and challenge them to bring in their idea for how to reuse or repurpose those items.
I think the biggest thing in HR is that if you plan an event, FOLLOW THROUGH!. I hate when we will have all of these activities listed on the calender and nothing happens.
is there a really good restaurant in your area? See if they could cater for your store. It will beat having to get the food ave food creappy
we had an oreo stacking contest. it was yummy. 😀

this month we've had... sandwich day (catered), cupcake (anniversary) day, birthday cake day, sundaes on a monday, cereal day, trail mix day, more herbs less salt day, and thursday we're grilling steaks/chicken/veggie burgers for everybody. yeah, we love to eat at my store. we also have hula hoop, egg races, trivia, slinky races, coloring contest, guess the number, chili cook off, baking contests.

fun events... we're in the process of our library remodel, helped with a fishing rodeo, did a PAWS (pets are worth saving) adoption event, carnival event at our local park, meals on wheels, read books at a local school.
is there a really good restaurant in your area? See if they could cater for your store. It will beat having to get the food ave food creappy

Our STL actually gets our store a catered meal once a year before the holidays 🙂 It goes for quite a few hours so everyone can have some food on their meal/breaks. Last year the food was realllllly good :]
Our STL actually gets our store a catered meal once a year before the holidays 🙂 It goes for quite a few hours so everyone can have some food on their meal/breaks. Last year the food was realllllly good :]

We get catered food the entire black Friday weekend. Usually Friday will be a big Italian feast, Saturday is usually some sort of sandwich, and Sunday is usually a bunch of different platters from chic fila!
Wow you guys are all spoiled. The closest thing our store has had to catering service is other stores' management teams coming out and "grilling" burgers and hot dogs. Burgers aren't supposed to crunch, are they?
We always have a supply of bread, peanut butter, and jelly. Makes up for those sandwiches we lost in Food Ave a year or two ago. We have cereal Sundays, pizza from time to time, BBQ every so often, breakfast all day every once in a while, soft pretzels, healthy eating days, and other stuff. And we do get catered sandwiches and food every so often.
Food ideas are what all teams love. Think outside the box. Have a breakfast day, cereal and milk all day long. Chili cookoff! Cookie Swap during the holidays. On the first big snowfall, get some cocoa packets and marshmallows in the breakroom. Have a blind taste test in the break room, Archer Farms vs National Brands. Set up a 2 tables with tortilla chips and dips (table one and table 2) let the the team vote which they liked better. Team gets to eat and you can drive some brand sales.I love the impromptu snacks in the breakroom. Had a great green visit? Get a cake from the bakery frosted green. Big thing with food, is make sure there is fresh product at least 3 times per day, morning team, midday and closing teams. Closers deserve more than chip crumbs and crusty salsa.
Going into winter hold a mitten/hat drive. Have everyone bring in gently used mittens and hats, wash and donate to a local shelter or school. Create a Book Nook. With the emphasis on reading and the current library makeovers Target is sponsoring why not have an area in the break room with some best sellers or classics that the team can read on break or lunch. Hold a Crazy Sock week. We have to wear red and khaki but what we wear for socks can be very individual. Of course the winner would win a pair of socks. A puzzle table is a great stress reliever. Anyone can sit down and work on it for 15 minutes and not think about work. (This is one thing our team loves) Share vacation photos!. Encourage team members to bring in a favorite photo of their vacation, put up a map and let them pushpin their destination too. How about a reuse/recycle day? Find four or five items that people throw out daily (tp tube, kleenex box, pill bottle,egg carton) and challenge them to bring in their idea for how to reuse or repurpose those items.
I think the biggest thing in HR is that if you plan an event, FOLLOW THROUGH!. I hate when we will have all of these activities listed on the calender and nothing happens.

You have some excellent ideas. We are currently overnight and so often we get left with crumbs or more often than not NOTHING!

You might want to read this topic for more ideas. 🙂 I knew I had seen this before, just had to do a search. You can read my reply there rather than doing a copy & paste.

fast fun friendly recognition and events
Last year we made ginger bread houses from frosting candy and gram crackers, had cupcake decorating day with cup cakes from bakery and a load of toppings and icing to choose from, early mornings I love bagel day, grilled cheese and tomatoe soup day is always a hit...... other than food, which we always love.....

decorate you box knife day (my favorite cuz mine are alway the coooolest), pet photo contest we have HR mount them on colorful paper and hang them around the equipment room door and then vote on cutest, ugliest, funniest ect...., donut eating contest - hang donuts from z rack and eat with no hands, in the winter we get fleece to make no sew blanket and then take them to the womens shelter in town.
our team loves to color and place their masterpieces on the fridge. Its great to use seasonal themes.
We have a few food days throughout the month. They also have about 2 contests a month, wii day, movie and popcorn day, and game day. Our store has a book nook, but I don't think many people use it. During the holidays we usually have peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for about a month, but it does get tiring after a while. We only get good food (food brought from restaurants) if we scored well on some big thing or got to certain amount of days in safety.
At my previous store, we had themed drawing contests. I had a lot of fun with this. Now at my current store their idea of a drawing contest is making copies of a fat-crayon coloring book page and letting us color them in. :girl_devil:
I like the puzzle idea. I suggested a scavenger hunt one time. ETL said she'd have to think about that.
We've done piñata days at morning huddle a few times, and they've always been a lot of fun. Helps if you picture the piñata as your least favorite ETL too... 😉 Our store has also done hula hooping at huddle, and everyone gets a kick out of that too. As far as food goes some of our more popular food days have been make your own yogurt parfaits, ice cream sundaes, chips and salsa and cheese, and pizza of course. Every now and then the ETL's cook pancakes and bacon for breakfast too!
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