Archived I cut up my Target Check Card today

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Aug 16, 2011
$175 in overdraft fees. Not all from the check card but it played a major role. Even though I turned overdraft protection off they still go through due to it going through Target. Nevermind my bank grouping all my transactions from last week into yesterday! Good riddance! I'm also considering cancelling my debit card and getting an ATM card or switching banks.
Only problem I had with the red card was when I tried to purchase a TV last week for $300 and it got denied because I "didn't have enough history using my check card". I only used it once, but I figured since I'm a TM and all it would have went through.
Dan, go to a credit union.
We switched yrs back & it was great discovering all the free services many offer. We also discovered that, while our credit union is mostly local, they have affiliations with CUs around the US so we were still networked when we traveled. It takes planning & a little discipline (less impulsiveness) but we haven't had a fee in yrs.
I haven't heard anything bad about credit unions. Overdraft fees can be a ***************...
Credit unions are the only way to go.
Screw banks.
$175 in overdraft fees. Not all from the check card but it played a major role. Even though I turned overdraft protection off they still go through due to it going through Target. Nevermind my bank grouping all my transactions from last week into yesterday! Good riddance! I'm also considering cancelling my debit card and getting an ATM card or switching banks.
For some reason, purchases made with the Target check card are lumped into one monthly draft payment. This is the reason I never got it because you never know when its going to draft.
For some reason, purchases made with the Target check card are lumped into one monthly draft payment. This is the reason I never got it because you never know when its going to draft.

They take it and they decide to ************ you up the ass with it.. Bank of America pulled some dodgy bull************ with my checking account *somewhat* similar.
Oh come on, I love overdraft fees!!!!! Paying $25 to transfer $6 I already had and then getting knocked with a $15 minimum balance fee just makes my day!!! 🙁
Oh come on, I love overdraft fees!!!!! Paying $25 to transfer $6 I already had and then getting knocked with a $15 minimum balance fee just makes my day!!! 🙁

BofA's fees were $35 *per incident* before I pulled my money out, all oh... $75 of it. I'm now with USAA and they are erm... better. lol. BUUUUUT I know what you mean.
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off topic: BofA would say... clear your transactions in order of dollar amount. From biggest to lowest. Belief was that... oh, rent checks, utilities, all the necessities can be paid for. Real reason: So they can quite easily tack on hundreds and thousands of dollars in overdraft fees. I don't know if they have quit this practice yet. I doubt it.
Our synagogue took all of its money out of BofA and I've read that there are groups and even cities doing the same thing across the country.
They deserve to go down the tubes.
I don't know how people can afford to use banks, with all the fees and BS. Credit Union is the only thing keeping me from stuffing cash into a mattress.
Only problem I had with the red card was when I tried to purchase a TV last week for $300 and it got denied because I "didn't have enough history using my check card". I only used it once, but I figured since I'm a TM and all it would have went through.

The same thing happened to me. I didn't have an cash on me at the time so I ended up just going back a few days later and it worked. Since then I haven't had any problems with it.
I got rid of my checkcard too. I was using it daily for breaks, lunches etc. They all of a sudden were allowing me a total of 3 transactions per day with the card. I had never heard of that before so I called them. Keep in mind that I have had this card since the month it came out. All of a sudden I was being allowed the 3 transactions. The person I talked to said it was because of the $ limit. This also made no sense since I had previously purchased and IPad and an Ipod on the same day with no issues. She put me on hold to speak with a supervisor. Upon her return I was informed it was because I was using it too much. This also made no sense. She went back to a supervisor. Now when she returned she informed me it was because I didn't have the money in my account. This was news to me and my bank! I carry zero debt. I own my house and have one credit card with a zero balance. Back to supervisor she goes. Now the supervisor gets on and says they really just don't know why it is happening and I should use my 3 transactions more wisely! I was no longer amused and canceled the card.
Well the bank cancelled all the fees. I believe I got the most sympathetic customer service rep ever. She seemed dumbfounded by all the $1 and $2 Target transactions. I didn't even put up a fight. Woohoo!
when i use a debit card, i make sure to only spend what i have in my account. problem solved. hahaha.
As long as you keep track of what you spend, you should be fine. I have to remember the bank's balance is higher because the Red Card debits don't clear right away. So I go with what Quicken says because that includes the Red Card debits.
The delay before the cash comes out of the account is what gets me. I will buy some stuff and then my wife will buy something thinking that the cash in our checking account has not been spent yet. Oops! What burns is that they hit on the same night we got paid and the bank took the debits first, charged us a fee for nsf, then returned them, then accepted our direct deposit. Argh!

We now have a note pad on the fridge that we write any red card transactions on so the other knows if we really have money left in the account.
Hmmm...I usually keep a security balance in my checking, so I never paid much attention to my redcard purchases, but after reading this thread, I checked yesterdays transaction. Yep, it posted, just says pending. I do get a text if my account falls below $100, so no overdrafts for me!
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