Archived I don't understand

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Thank you. So far it's been good. I will admit having a gstl would make it easier instead of relying on an already over worked fatl but I'll make it work
This is typical Target politics.

When you apply for a position expect your Store leadership to have someone already in mind for the position. As I stated in previous threads, my initial leadership was great and really pushed me to exceed expectations because they wanted to advance me. I always took on extra responsibilities. If asked to work on a project I did it. If my TL was out or in transition, I took on their responsibilities.

But when leadership changed, they were more standoff-ish and wouldn't give you honest feedback. In my last years, I applied for a number of positions FATL, GSTL, GSA, floor TLs. Not one interview. It literally took me putting applications in every ETLs box to let them know I want to move up to get a feedback session which they thanked me for my interest but I was not their candidate. For other openings, only one TM was interviewed while others including myself were left in the dark.

In true honesty, in a lot of stores, you have to play the game to move up. You have to friend management or kiss major butt to get leadership to notice you.
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