Archived I have an impending doom, and I feel like I will be fired at any time...

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Oct 3, 2018
Hey everyone.

I have been working at target for almost a month in Hardlines (domestics). I like the job. Nice coworkers, good pay, etc. But for some reason, I feel like I am so close to being fired. Maybe its anxiety. My trainer said i do what i have to do perfectly. I zone as much as I can and try my absolute best, even without a mydevice. My TL is always on my case reiterating things she told me to do, and I am going as fast as I can. Most of the guest I serve are satisfied in the end. I just feel like i will get fired soon. I have a good attitude at work as well but still. Just had to get this out, i am very hard on myself.
Don't be so hard on yourself. I've worked lots of jobs. Never been fired from any of them. Something that you have to keep in mind wherever you are working: you are not your job; you are not defined by it or by what your boss(es) think about you. Just go in and do the best job that you can.

It actually helps not to care too much. Don't think you need to be perfect. It's just Target. What happens in the world if your section isn't perfectly zoned? Nothing. Nothing at all. What happens if it is perfectly zoned? Also, nothing. Nothing at all. Whether every single towel in your section is properly folded or not and all the spaces filled matters not at all. I'm not trying to give you an existenstial crisis here or anything. I'm just trying to get you to see that whether or not you do a perfect job isn't all that important in the end. If you're working hard and doing the best that you can do, then don't care if your TL is riding your ass. Your TL is just shoveling shit he or she is getting downto you. That's how work works. Someday, you will no longer work at Target. Maybe you'll leave on your own. Maybe you will get fired. Who knows? Either way, when you put Target on your next job app it will look the same. When someone calls to ask about your time at Target all they will be told is that you worked there. If you are the worst employee in history, they won't be told that. Nor, will they be told if you're the best employee in history. For legal liability reasons, employers do not say anything about past employees. They haven't for a couple of decades now.

So, relax. Do the best you can. It's just Target. No one is going to die if your TL thinks you should be working faster. Take care of yourself first and don't stress yourself out about working for a company that could not care less about you.
Do your best....and the hell with the rest.

Target expects 125% work from team members every moment that they are in the store. No one can give one can give 100% all of the time.....So, do what you are able to do.
If they decide that you aren't fast enough then they'll see about moving you to another department.

Ever heard the phrase "Don't sweat the small's all small stuff." Remember that it is ALL SMALL STUFF.
You're getting solid advice here. I'll just add my. 02.

No matter how hard you work and how much you're getting done a TL/LOD will always want you to get more done. Especially the ones who are not good at leadership because they are the ones always pushing harder without acknowledging what is good. But, I think they are being pressured to get more done so they pressure us.

Also, a "sense of urgency" is a buzzword at Target right now and I've heard of coaching or PDD (?? not sure what this is) for it. So if you are always moving with purpose, friendly to everyone, helpful to guests and tms, getting work done and have good attendance you hopefully will avoid it. A good attitude and walking with purpose even when you're going to break looks good!! Lol!!

Having said all of that, they don't pay us enough to stress. That's their job.
Piss on that TL. Just do your best and fuggetaboutit.
Piss on that TL. Just do your best and fuggetaboutit.

I am trying. Target isnt my life. I only plan to work a year there to dave up $10,000 so i can move back to the UK to get a masters degree. I do my absolute best and ask lots of questions but this isnt my life its a part time job and i wont treat it as a full job
I feel 100% the same as you. I've worked there for over a month and I'm only given what feels like negative feedback from anyone above a GSA. It feels as if I'm always doing something wrong, or I'm not doing enough.
It's stressing me out. If I was getting paid $30 an hour I'd understand the sentiment, but I'm not. I work incredibly hard each shift. To the point I feel like literally collapsing in pain or exhaustion at the end of each day.
I offer a red card to every customer. I talk to every customer. It takes an insane amount of energy just to do this. I've sold a shitload of red cards. Where's my congratulations? Where's my praise? If anything it's gotten me resentment from the rest of the team. I feel like some of the managers "only" give negative feedback. "Do this, this way." 90% of the time I'm already doing it the right way or a way that's effective.
They don't ever have personal conversations. I'm only seen as an employee. It's only negative criticism or a direct order to do something. It makes me question why they even speak to me. Do they really think saying "negative" things all of the time is really going to motivate someone? Or do they think I'm lazy? Did someone tell them I'm doing a shitty job? I got a card in the mail weeks ago saying I was doing an awesome job..... That's great, but those things aren't being said to my face.
It makes me question how I'm really perceived. Am I doing a great job? Am I doing a shitty job? Which is it?
What infuriates me is the fact I know I'm working my ass off. I see other employee's giving 50%. I see other employee's not doing what's asked. They ignore walkies. They ignore phone calls. They never come and get their reshop. They complain and bad mouth management. They take really long breaks. Have nasty attitudes. They never offer red cards. Do they get these same conversations? I presume they don't....... So why must I constantly give 200% because others aren't....
Maybe they are just challenging me because they know I'm capable of things.... Maybe they know others are not.....
Regardless I feel the same way you do.... At anytime I feel like I could just be fired.... If it wasn't for these conversations I'd really enjoy my job. Sometimes people just need to chill when things are going well. If I'm selling red cards, getting good customer feedback, and if things are getting done can't you just chill? Can't you give me some praise? Constant negativity causes resentment. That is very difficult to correct. Treat us like people and not robots. We have feelings.
It's freaking Target. We care about giving the customer a great experience. What about giving productive co-workers a great experience too?
Don't sweat it. I felt very similar to you when I first started, but then I realized, "You know what, I may not be the fastest, but I'm doing the very best I can and that's all I can do." You'll be fine in the end.
Ten grand won't make that happen - not even close.
Ten grand won't make that happen - not even close.
10 grand from may. I then plan to transfer to the target next to my home in my hometown (or a target near) in the summer. I am living 400 miles from home at college, thats why I will transfer in may I want to work full time then and earn maybe 3.5-5K from June-September. Then I have 3K my grandpa is giving me plus a 100K inheritence that grows due to the fund its in.
Well, that last part will help.

That part is for Tuition and rent abroad only. the 10K+3K+ whatever i make this summer is my living money. But i plan to get a part time job at a target equivalent (if i end up liking hardlines in a year), which will cover food and day to day expenses. So the 10K is basically emergency money. Thats why i think its realistic to be able to save up 10K in 8 months
I think you are my twin. I also wanted to make my assigned area perfect. I have learned the hard way, and please learn the easy way by learning from my mistakes, that you can't do it all in the time you have. And if you take the time to do each part perfect then another area or task will be left undone completely. The best practice is to hit all the big stuff until it is presentable. Not perfect, not close to it, but so that it's not an eyesore and is somewhat pleasant to look at. Then go for the medium stuff. When all that is done and if you have time left then do the little stuff while at the same time cleaning up the big stuff so that it looks better.

Random example, baby hardlines, since it's laid out like a lot of hardlines areas. Get the stuff off the floor first, find the abandoned non-baby stuff and the baby stuff that is obviously in the wrong part of baby hardlines, put the baby stuff in the right area while putting away the baby reshop, zone the obvious eyesores like a blue baby onsie set that was left on a pink baby onsie peg, and if you have time clean up the baby food aisle. Don't start at one end and detail zone all the way to the other end, you'll never finish.
I totally understand, OP. I've been with Target about a month too and feel so stressed that I'm not doing good enough. I'm ship from store and today I did all the picking/packing/order pickups by myself for 8 hours and my LOD was constantly assuming I should be "done already". I feel like a failure that I didnt finish early like she assumed I could. But! I know that regardless I did my best and that's all anyone can do. Hang in there and I'm sure you're doing great!
Target is great with negative feedback. They are great at saying "you should be done". Very few leaders will actually work with you to show you how to get results faster. They seem to think when you bring someone on they know everything right aways. You have been feed so much information in such a short time. Cashier training, the acronyms alone will make your head spin, how all the equipment works, how to make signs, labels, etc etc etc. For the folks who have been here a month, lets say you get 4 days a week. Your first week is training. So in 3 more weeks of 4 shifts you should be working a the same speed and with the same accuracy as someone who has been there 6 months? Insert sarcasm here. If you have a good leader they will work with you to show you where you can improve. Sadly good leaders are few and far between right now. Do your best, thats all you can do. If you leave everyday feeling defeated then you have to ask yourself is it worth it? Not all jobs will steal your soul.
I really enjoy the title of this thread: sweating, nausea, chest discomfort, a sense of impending doom can only mean one of two things: 1. You're having a heart attack, or 2. You're potentially being fired by Target.
I really enjoy the title of this thread: sweating, nausea, chest discomfort, a sense of impending doom can only mean one of two things: 1. You're having a heart attack, or 2. You're potentially being fired by Target.
Ever have an anxiety attack? Also fits those symptoms.
Target is great with negative feedback. They are great at saying "you should be done.” If you have a good leader they will work with you to show you where you can improve. Sadly good leaders are few and far between right now. Do your best, thats all you can do. If you leave everyday feeling defeated then you have to ask yourself is it worth it? Not all jobs will steal your soul.

Good leaders are few and far between now because they are being forced out for not drinking the kool aid. Leaders who treat others the way they should be treated, with compassion and mentoring, are no longer wanted at Spot. Their loss. Productive, motivated teams are built with good leadership, proper training and the high morale that comes from treating people right. Bitching, nagging, criticizing, and threatening TMs does not build strong teams, it destroys morale and job satisfaction, which leads to a revolving door of talent and wasted payroll in the way of training costs. Leaders who constantly think everyone should be “done already “ think that because they haven’t done the job themselves and have no clue how long it takes. Leading is done from the front. One “come on” accomplishes more than ten “go ons”.🙄
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