Archived I left my keys at work

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Ours lock with an actual key and stay locked until AP opens them (very rare).
If a TM finds them & turns them in, they could be at TMSC.
Just go in and get them are thry gone or whAt? Am i missing something?
Yay! I hate target today. The hr lady told me she loves the archangel Gabriel bc he is the angel of revenge.
Yay! I hate target today. The hr lady told me she loves the archangel Gabriel bc he is the angel of revenge.
So, doesn't revenge equal retaliation? That's a terminatable offense. Plus mentioning religion? Your HR is not professional at all. I would call the hotline!
She's an idiot in many many ways. Not only for the above, but for the complete misunderstanding of Gabriel. Gabriel is the messenger of God in almost every mention of him across all the Abrahamic religions.
There's a fine line between religion guiding your moral compass vs inflicting your beliefs on others by impacting their work-related needs.
The former would be considered a virtue, the latter is a lawsuit waiting to happen.
Based on this person's previous posts, I just assumed they are not mature enough to have their own place and is still living with parents.

Daaaaaayyyyymm. Shots fired! XD
Based on this person's previous posts, I just assumed they are not mature enough to have their own place and is still living with parents.
That's a LOT of the TMs at my store, actually....
Based on this person's previous posts, I just assumed they are not mature enough to have their own place and is still living with parents.
Garage opener sorry was at hell that is target all day
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