If you live at home with parents, I would say go for it. If you absolutely need the job, then just get serious about finding a better job. (I mean, really serious about it)
I was a TL that most people called a "lifer". All of a sudden an opportunity to become a playstation rep occurred, and that is what I am doing now.
I can tell you this - looking back on the years I spent with Target, and now knowing what a "real" job can be like, I wish I would have walked out even with no job during some of my previous years at Target when I had thought about it. The fact is, me deciding to stay only assured that I was there longer. The fact is - I settled, and it was easy for me to just stay where I was. If I would have walked out, it would have forced me to find a new job. Instead, I stuck around for years always saying "Well, I will start looking for a new job later". Later ended up being years.
I look at all of the people I have met at SCEA so far. Everyone owns a nice car, has a house, stability in life, etc.
Now I am starting to get that, but what do I have to show for it after years of working at Target? I have massive credit card debt, sh** car, live at home with my parents, pretty much have nothing to my name. My coworkers at SCEA are literally decades ahead of me in life.... even the ones 10 years younger than me! Yea, eventually I will get to that point now that I have a really good job, but I would have been much further ahead in life if I would have just walked years ago and really got serious about finding a better job.
Part of the problem was that I just didn't know what I was missing out on. All I ever knew was Target. I had no freaking clue how badly I was getting screwed over until I got my SCEA job. I mean, I knew I was being screwed after a couple years, but I didn't fully realize it until I left. I guess you could say the magnitude of it just was not apparent until I was on the outside.