Archived I wanna quit right now.

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Nov 15, 2011
I'm looking around at my co-workers and I just have that sound in my head that says "just walk out the door and don't look back".

I'm tired of the high school mentality of this place. Hell I'm tired of retail.

(note:it's payday weekend. It's always he'll.)
I hear ya, but there are bills to be paid, ya know?

I'm tired of the childishness as well. Comparing it to high school is very appropriate.
The reality is that it's the same all over, the only places that treat their employees WELL are places that are UNIONIZED!
Hang in there, keep looking for a better opportunity elsewhere and once you find it you can run away from Spot and never have to look back. I've been free from Spot for a few weeks now and I've never been happier, but I also appreciate my time there as it has taught me quite a bit.
Quit. Give someone else that currently does not have a job a chance. You're probably not being productive with that attitude anyway.
Condemning a whole company for the actions of some bad team members or leaders makes no sense. Spot has been great to me for 16 years. Hang in there, stick with learning and using best practices and do the best you can.
Find a new job, put it your two weeks (try not to get the flu on the last week like I literally did). Leave without incident. DO NOT change a call button to the "hoop hut" as tempting as it might be. You might have to go back to Target one day (god forbid).
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i am curious.... has anyone here quit and then went back because of bad circumstances? i don't mean quit and then realized they missed the place, but that they had no other choice? i think i would singe off my eyebrows with a blow torch before i made myself go back. we've had tons of people walk out, make a huge scene (or not) etc. and when they come in to shop or we see them out, they never regret it.
Condemning a whole company for the actions of some bad team members or leaders makes no sense. Spot has been great to me for 16 years. Hang in there, stick with learning and using best practices and do the best you can.

Screw hanging in there, transfer to another store man!
i am curious.... has anyone here quit and then went back because of bad circumstances? i don't mean quit and then realized they missed the place, but that they had no other choice? i think i would singe off my eyebrows with a blow torch before i made myself go back. we've had tons of people walk out, make a huge scene (or not) etc. and when they come in to shop or we see them out, they never regret it.

Most of the people that I know that have created a scene or simply walked would NEVER admit missing Target or regretting anything they did. The only regret would be later on down the road being non-rehirable at every target.
ive walked out of the job twice and have regretted it both times... make sure you have another job lined up before you do something like that... depending on your situation you dont to be left with out a job if you are paying all the bills around the house.... i wouldnt even bother with your two week notice either just as long as you have something lined up or you dont plan on ever going back... if you want to keep the option open to come back though you need to give a 2 week notice so that they list you as "re-hireable"
We had one guy (who's a real dick) walk out & 'quit' but called later, talked to the ETL-HR & was allowed to return.
One of our GSTLs did that 2 times (the second time, they didn't let her come back).
the only place you will find a "better opportunity" is if you can find some place thats Unionized!
Hang in there, keep looking for a better opportunity elsewhere and once you find it you can run away from Spot and never have to look back. I've been free from Spot for a few weeks now and I've never been happier, but I also appreciate my time there as it has taught me quite a bit.
i am curious.... has anyone here quit and then went back because of bad circumstances? i don't mean quit and then realized they missed the place, but that they had no other choice? i think i would singe off my eyebrows with a blow torch before i made myself go back. we've had tons of people walk out, make a huge scene (or not) etc. and when they come in to shop or we see them out, they never regret it.

I'm did that actually. I had worked for Target for about a year, left for a job that I studied for got laid off, went through some tough **** (Working three jobs, barely making by) then came back to Target. I get 40 hours a week and my pay is alright. Enough to pay the big stuff. I've been back with the company nearly 5 years now. Yeah, there are days when I want something more, but for now this is what I chose and it's been pretty good.
Find a new job, put it your two weeks (try not to get the flu on the last week like I literally did). Leave without incident. DO NOT change a call button to the "hoop hut" as tempting as it might be. You might have to go back to Target one day (god forbid).

I would rather slit my wrists then go back to the red circles of hell.
Wow, this is really an extreme statement, especially since the reality is that it's the same all around, corporate america, retail, big business ALL treat their employees the SAME as Target, the ONLY way to IMPROVE is to UNIONIZE!
I would rather slit my wrists then go back to the red circles of hell.
I'm looking around at my co-workers and I just have that sound in my head that says "just walk out the door and don't look back".

I'm tired of the high school mentality of this place. Hell I'm tired of retail.

(note:it's payday weekend. It's always he'll.)

If you live at home with parents, I would say go for it. If you absolutely need the job, then just get serious about finding a better job. (I mean, really serious about it)

I was a TL that most people called a "lifer". All of a sudden an opportunity to become a playstation rep occurred, and that is what I am doing now.

I can tell you this - looking back on the years I spent with Target, and now knowing what a "real" job can be like, I wish I would have walked out even with no job during some of my previous years at Target when I had thought about it. The fact is, me deciding to stay only assured that I was there longer. The fact is - I settled, and it was easy for me to just stay where I was. If I would have walked out, it would have forced me to find a new job. Instead, I stuck around for years always saying "Well, I will start looking for a new job later". Later ended up being years.

I look at all of the people I have met at SCEA so far. Everyone owns a nice car, has a house, stability in life, etc.

Now I am starting to get that, but what do I have to show for it after years of working at Target? I have massive credit card debt, sh** car, live at home with my parents, pretty much have nothing to my name. My coworkers at SCEA are literally decades ahead of me in life.... even the ones 10 years younger than me! Yea, eventually I will get to that point now that I have a really good job, but I would have been much further ahead in life if I would have just walked years ago and really got serious about finding a better job.

Part of the problem was that I just didn't know what I was missing out on. All I ever knew was Target. I had no freaking clue how badly I was getting screwed over until I got my SCEA job. I mean, I knew I was being screwed after a couple years, but I didn't fully realize it until I left. I guess you could say the magnitude of it just was not apparent until I was on the outside.
I was a TL that most people called a "lifer". All of a sudden an opportunity to become a playstation rep occurred, and that is what I am doing now.

I was an elecspec - SOOOO was waiting for this opportunity to open up!!!! Have fun - sounds like a great job!
If you live at home with parents, I would say go for it. If you absolutely need the job, then just get serious about finding a better job. (I mean, really serious about it)

I was a TL that most people called a "lifer". All of a sudden an opportunity to become a playstation rep occurred, and that is what I am doing now.

I can tell you this - looking back on the years I spent with Target, and now knowing what a "real" job can be like, I wish I would have walked out even with no job during some of my previous years at Target when I had thought about it. The fact is, me deciding to stay only assured that I was there longer. The fact is - I settled, and it was easy for me to just stay where I was. If I would have walked out, it would have forced me to find a new job. Instead, I stuck around for years always saying "Well, I will start looking for a new job later". Later ended up being years.

I look at all of the people I have met at SCEA so far. Everyone owns a nice car, has a house, stability in life, etc.

Now I am starting to get that, but what do I have to show for it after years of working at Target? I have massive credit card debt, sh** car, live at home with my parents, pretty much have nothing to my name. My coworkers at SCEA are literally decades ahead of me in life.... even the ones 10 years younger than me! Yea, eventually I will get to that point now that I have a really good job, but I would have been much further ahead in life if I would have just walked years ago and really got serious about finding a better job.

Part of the problem was that I just didn't know what I was missing out on. All I ever knew was Target. I had no freaking clue how badly I was getting screwed over until I got my SCEA job. I mean, I knew I was being screwed after a couple years, but I didn't fully realize it until I left. I guess you could say the magnitude of it just was not apparent until I was on the outside.

Holy cow, me to a tee, minus the working for SCEA bit. That's eerie.
I've got an interview for an IT job this week... thinking that the schedule that I wrote last week will be my last... didn't help that once again I had to schedule my self six days a week, working until midnight and coming back at 4am the next morning, and doing 11 days in a row. Tired of only having enough hours for minimum coverage and nothing more, tired of being ignored by all the execs until I have to answer to them when they ask why I didn't get something done or why I can't send them help ( the fact that I have 80 fewer hours than this time last year isn't an acceptable answer either) Apparently I am supposed to meet higher standards, more often, be more global, drive better guest service, promote sales, and manage a "fast, fun, and friendly" team; only problem with all that is if you are trying to pour more responsibility on me and wanting to pull me out of my department when my department is being held up by a thread... Although I am pushing a 25% profit margin, green guest service and freshness scores, record sales (10-15% over last year), receipt to sales right were they want it, order accuracy perfect, order action index of 100%, and a food safety score of 97 for the year; I still never hear that I am doing anything right. IMO the stats speak for them selves and I know that I am good at what I do and I am not delusional about it... I am just tired of stressing my self out and being unappreciated.

I was going to put off quitting until I can get a replacement for myself, but, one of our TLs said she thought the same thing 15 years ago, that she had an opportunity that she really wanted to take and she didn't leave cuz she was worried about target and says that she really regrets not taking the opportunity when it presented itself. She told me to take it and never look back if its what I want. So I am taking her advice going for it. Plus she reminded me that last year over 15 TLs quit many of them having been there for 10 or more years.

I am ready to move on to a job that is less stressful, less physically, demanding, more professional, and pays about $3 more an hour than I currently make... not to mention that the people that I know that have worked there for a couple years have said that they averaged 1-2$/hr raise per year and that they really enjoy their job!
Good for you I hope it all works out. I quit after looking for another job for a year and once I got one I didn't look back. I too was underappreciated and burned out. I now enjoy saying saying hi to my former team as a guest. I also have better hours and am making about the same with overtime which I get paid for and a bonus
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