Archived I wish my section looked like this...

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Expect The Unexpected
Oct 29, 2014
I know these pics are really old....I have no idea what store this is but I always wished they'd put some of those smaller packs on the second shelf too. I'm only 5'1. What's even more difficult then finding a step ladder is stocking those diapers on that top shelf. It would help to have some of them on that second shelf....
Sometimes I wish I worked in the floor set department at corporate lol...
But anywhoo...the way they stack them diapers on that top shelf is how mine end up looking if I can't find a step doesn't look good but what can I do? I just wanted to post my admiration of how this aisle is stocked...and the end caps actually look nice in this store too.........

baby.jpg baby2.jpg
Had to be in late 08, early 09.

Some stores I've been in still have a mix of overhead department signs with the old wider font and the new more narrow font. Looks weird.
Downsweep the top shelf, put a front fence, use side fencing to separate product.

BAM, no more issues with not being able to reach product. We did this for awhile until the next reset and plano set it back to "proper" planogram.
I can't imagine that shoe end cap header sign changing every time the product changed. Seems like a waste of money.
That looks just like my store pre-2012. I liked the P04 prototype.
Those diapers look ancient tho...l
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