Archived I'm Kinda Started To Get Unhappy...

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Yeah a few TM's quit when they found out all of us seasonal hires started at what they made now. I don't blame them and I think that's crap for you as well.
It's b.s. and I don't know why they do that. I'm sorry to hear that Kartman you deserve more.
Shitty. This kind of stuff is why pay rates and salaries should be required to be transparent to the public, especially with a public corporation like Target.

Nice art, btw
You're not supposed to talk wages at work so it could backfire on Kartman if he brought it up. The whole wage thing is a don't talk about thing at every job and that's probably why, they screw the people that have been there longer.
You can discuss wages with other employees; although a lot of employers don't want you to. I even worked at a place that had a policy in their handbook saying you cannot discuss what you make with others. I didn't realize they couldn't do this until after I was long gone. It goes way back to the National Labor Relations Act of 1930-something (I cannot remember the exact year). Basically it says that activities among workers that provide mutual aid and protection are okay and telling others what you make falls under that category. But from my understanding the reason why so many people are unaware that there is a federal law protecting their right to discuss pay with fellow workers is because there isn't a ton the NLRA can do to an employer if it violates it so it is to the company's benefit to keep wages secret and if some people figure out that they can't legally do that it wasn't be the end for a big company.
At a previous job I found out a somewhat new employer’s starting wage was more than mine (and I had been there a couple years) and I brought it up the management. I focused on why I was a valuable employee and why I deserved higher compensation for the skills I obtained during my time there. I did not mention who told me what they made because I didn't want to drag that person into it. It was a smaller company with a few locations with maybe around 100-150 employees and within a few hours my pay was increased to above the new employees starting wage. Although they did make me sign a statement saying that I understood I worked in an 'at-will' state which I felt was their way of telling me not to rock the boat too much more. Obviously companies do retaliate against employees even if legally they cannot and it is often difficult for an employee to fight back if that happens. Thankfully it worked out for me and I just needed to sign that paper saying that I knew it was an ‘at-will’ state (which I knew already). Also I am quite political active (I once requested off because a group I was involved with was meeting with some state senators) and I think the fact that they knew that I was well-versed about my rights made a difference as well.
Yeah it's more or less how the company would handle it if they knew. The guy at my store that found out we made the same amount took it to management and guessing it didn't go well since he quit a few days later.
Sorry, unfortunately that's how Spot rolls. Last year at my old store, new hires that started just 5 weeks after I started, started at the new $9/hr. while I was $7.75/hr. Basically anyone with less than 4 years of service were making less than the new hires. Then at reviews, everyone got bumped to $9. Likely at your review, you will get bumped to the rumored $10, or whatever the new minimum will be for your store, and then you will get your raise on top of that. So you should hopefully make a few, but not many more, cents than new guy.
My store bumps everyone up when the pay grades changes, you basically loose all your raises but a new person wont be paid higher than you. You can keep your raises calculated into that if you're best friends with your ETL though...
Wouldn't surprise if, after reviews, a good amount of tenured TMs don't quit just to reapply at a hire rate.
Risky, I know....
I'm at a whopping 9.46. New hires make 9.50.
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