Archived I'm new here!

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Aug 16, 2011
Hi everyone,

My name is daninnj and I've been working at Target for almost three years now. I stumbled upon this site while looking for...


It's good to be home! Thanks for my fellow coworker BullseyeBoy for referring me to the new site!!!!

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I look like a total n00b. I have some catching up to do. 🙁

Life's been awesome. New roommate moving in next month, second under-the-table job, pretty much entered a relationship with an awesome guy this week. I am loving it right now!!

BTW, I was reading this site at the front desk at the gay community center I volunteer at and the girl running the event on the side asked me if I was on "the breakroom." She told me her friend who used to work at Target told her about the site. Small world, huh?
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I thought your name was familiar! Welcome!

I've never known anyone else who has known about the website. Never. I guess my friends never talked Target after work.
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