Archived Inbound question

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Jul 17, 2016
So, I am currently looking to job change and could use some clarification. One of the areas I'm looking at is inbound. Can someone explain to me how prod is determined in ART I know the OM of my buildings Inbound said its 190 cph per hour per set but what confuses me is what the total number I need would be per hour When I asked if I only needed 1900 at the end of the shift they said no and gave me a number up close to 8 or 9k. I just want to make sure I am understanding this right before I put my choice into the system. Thanks in advance for the help.
I think it’s that 190 per person per hour. So each set needs to do over the 17k per day. Each building has different numbers as well. As a disclaimer, be careful if you job change and inbound is a new department. With hard scheduling they like to hard slot the newbies as unloaders everyday, at least in my building.
The 190 is in art I assume ... most likely . That equates to 190 Cartons per hour per person so if you have 4 people on a line that’s 4x190 =760 cartons an hour which is easily done the actual number corporate or best in class says we should be at is 208 which would be around 830 per hour for four people, if you train on the manual dock your hourly prod will be around 250 a person most likely
The 8-9k is a per line number btw not an individual number
The 190 is in art I assume ... most likely . That equates to 190 Cartons per hour per person so if you have 4 people on a line that’s 4x190 =760 cartons an hour which is easily done the actual number corporate or best in class says we should be at is 208 which would be around 830 per hour for four people, if you train on the manual dock your hourly prod will be around 250 a person most likely

Yep, this is for Art. I told the OM the night I toured that I wasnt sure about inbound with the numbers being as high as they were and that it might not be fit, but with this explanation it might be doable. The OM said I'd have two weeks to ramp up in ART then I'd move to reserves/counting then I would train on the manual dock. Thanks for the advice and answering my question.
The 190 is in art I assume ... most likely . That equates to 190 Cartons per hour per person so if you have 4 people on a line that’s 4x190 =760 cartons an hour which is easily done the actual number corporate or best in class says we should be at is 208 which would be around 830 per hour for four people, if you train on the manual dock your hourly prod will be around 250 a person most likely

It’s actually 4.5 people per line. There are 9 per set, at least at my dc.
We are currently running 15 in art 7 and 8 and the numbers are very much doable also there isn’t a way to pinpoint in art who is or is not “hitting production” as it’s calculated on a line basis basically taking the number of cartons received on that line divided by number of team members then divided by number of hours worked in
The shift .. there’s always someone who doesn’t pull their weight and coast along Bc everyone else on the line Carries them
As long as you keep yourself busy, you won't have problems. Sometimes others carry you and sometimes you carry them but either way if the OM is there watching and you aren't participating, you'll get called out individually.

I've been in ART where we didn't get good numbers even though we busted ass, because the loads just had too many problems. Too many RSLs, or unknown DPCIs or conveyable mixed with nonconveyable or slow coming transitional freight or bad transitional freight or mixed up orders or 99% reserve with Breakpack and we could only make SMALLS out of ALL of it. *sigh* The good thing is, you're covered by being in a team when the freight lets you down. It can be fun. Crazy. But fun.
Thank you all for the help and advice. My current situation is not getting any better and it looks like a job change is going to be needed as I am at a loss for what to do.
I honestly think you’ll get along fine in inbound once you get trained up in the area it’s reall not difficult
ART was easy peasy. Put box on line. Watch box go. Take box off line. Label box.

I feel like people tried to over complicate the job too much.
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