Last Tuesday night I was closing and my foot started to hurt. My feet always hurt at the end of my shifts though so I didn't think anything of it. as the week went on it started to hurt more and more. never really went away. on my days off since then I have rested, iced, elevated..done everything I can think of to rest it. Now today, a week later, I can barely walk. and the pain is up my ankle. Is there any sort of time limit that I can report this? I now wish I had said something a week ago but like I said I just figured my feet were sore from working. I want to report this to my ETL or HR but I'm afraid they will make a big deal out of me not saying something sooner.
If I had medical insurance I would go to my own doctor and not even bother my store with this. But I have no insurance and can't afford a doctors visit. and it did start hurting AT work when it initially started. I have two coworkers who were witnesses to me saying it was hurting. and hurting ever since.
If I had medical insurance I would go to my own doctor and not even bother my store with this. But I have no insurance and can't afford a doctors visit. and it did start hurting AT work when it initially started. I have two coworkers who were witnesses to me saying it was hurting. and hurting ever since.