Archived Integrity

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Oct 5, 2015
I'm a senior TL, and a few weeks ago, when I was unlocking the building the front exterior door automatically opened before I put my key in. I asked an ETL at the checklanes if he had opened it, he said no. We both knew the closing LOD the night before and he mentioned how 2 months earlier he was unlocking the doors with the STL and the cart door had been left unlocked all night. Same LOD. I immediately went and told my STL about the door being left unlocked overnight. 3 weeks later, another ETL found the cart door unlocked again, same ETL. I'm not sure if she ever approached the STL about it, but even still, with me reporting it, that would have been the ETL's second offense. She is still here. From my understanding you get put on final for leaving a door unlocked. This ETL has had 3 times in the last 8 months, and she is still here. WHY?! Should I call the integrity hotline? Is this just the 'good ol' boy network/how Target really runs?
I have documented all the dates that I know. Our APTL quit about 3 months ago, and they just replaced him last week. New person isn't much help, obliviously, still in training. But the APTL reports directly to the ETL in question. I was hesitant to call the integrity hotline because they would immediately know it was me. Are you saying that this is an issue that AP needs to handle? Should I have gone directly to APTL vs the STL?
I have documented all the dates that I know. Our APTL quit about 3 months ago, and they just replaced him last week. New person isn't much help, obliviously, still in training. But the APTL reports directly to the ETL in question. I was hesitant to call the integrity hotline because they would immediately know it was me. Are you saying that this is an issue that AP needs to handle? Should I have gone directly to APTL vs the STL?
Do you think the stl is covering for them? I'd be tempted to email the apbp and just skip the store level bs. Ap can definitely handle it. But will the stl let a new aptl if they "don't know the whole story"
I will start off by saying that I have no issue calling the hotline when I feel I need to and or there is no other choice. However, IMO I don't think you need to call in this case. You told the STL let them handle it. Like @Hardlinesmaster said document everything...dates, time etc, witnesses and just leave it at that. Sadly, Spot is full of people who somehow can do no wrong no matter how many times they screw up. The Stl could be covering the Etls ass OR it could be that something is going on that the Stl cant comment on. IE, the etl is being watched etc by Ap
It was the exterior exit door, so it doesn't automatically open from the outside, but it sure startled me when I tried to unlock it from the inside! You all are right, don't stir the pot. I started out really happy with Target 3 yrs ago, but I've become more and more dissatisfied with the direction my store is going. Maybe thats why this situation bothers me so much.
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