Sales Floor Is any other store purging their back stock and putting excess items out randomly untied to a location?

Apr 10, 2020
Our SD doesn't want anything in the back room and has had TMs put stock just about anywhere to remove it from the stockroom. This of course drives OPU and SHIP crazy trying to find the items. Is this happening anywhere else?
We were given instructions to reduce backroom quantities- there even was a competition between stores to see which could lower their backstocked numbers the most.
At first we were conservative to home locations Being filled. That wasn’t enough.
So then we overfilled our amp gifting towers and carts. Not enough.
So then we got ‘creative’ in removing light endcaps and stuffing them. Not enough.
Then We actually filled whole aisles with Stuff that didn’t go there.
Then no flexing.
Now I just see a bunch of stuff IN the backroom - untied.
Initial Problem solved, many more created.
Extreme expectations take extreme measures.