Archived Is this corporate policy or is someone being shady..

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Instocks Slave
Jun 8, 2011
I have one for you guys.. I have been with the company for some time now.. Perfect attendance, top performer all the time and was team hero of the month twice in a row.. I ended up becoming very ill "cant say what illness cause they might know who I am" this illness with treatment continues to make me ill.. So I called out 5 times not in a row but 1 day here 3 days there and another day there. I head to work with doctors notes for all those days and a back to work form and I was put on a final.. My CA before that was for performance issues which started to happen when I got sick and started to lag a bit and didnt meet my TL's expectations.. When I asked why the final considering how I have always been a top performer and considering I have notes and my sickness. They said its corporate policy they can't consider the notes after the excessive call outs..

I have additional info that I would like to post but can't because I'm sure they will figure out who I am.. So if interested and think you can help more PM me please and thank you.
they can do this - IMO - but what disturbs me is that this policy is not fair and consistent between all stores, or even all teams.
I would fight it as the others have mentioned.

This is the way it was explained to me once: While we accept doctors notes, it doesn't wipe away the fact that you missed the time.

Were you in contact with your store daily during your time off? It is very important to call daily if you are not on medical leave. It's
also a good idea to drop off the doctor notes or have someone else do it for you. It kind of sounds like they didn't have the doctor notes
until you returned.

Hope this helps - and hope you are feeling much better!:wink3:
I find this a little strange, and agree the you should note all the dates and conversations you have. Partner with your ETL-HR and find out exactly what the policy is. I was working with target and was also under my 90 days when I fell really sick. I left work in a lot of pain, went to the hospital and was out of work for about a week. My shifts were covered and when I returned to work with the doctors note I was never coached or even put on a CCA. To be honest, everything was fine. I wasn't even spoken to about it. If they give you any issues, call the integrity hotline that should be posted on the wall somewhere around the info board. Most are next to the break room with the rest of the TM info things. I believe you can fight this CCA and should before it becomes pointless. Good luck.
It wasn't 5 days in a row, it was 5 days within the month so 1 day for week one, 3 days week three and the last week of the month 1 day call out.. I spoke with them more then 7hrs before my shift and from either my doctors office or ER.. When I spoke to the ETL-HR they said that corporate is cracking down on call outs even with doctors notes.. I asked if they can take into consideration my performance before I was sick and take into account how ill I was.. I know for a fact that a TM on my team has called out way more in the same month as myself with no doctors notes and he hasn't been written up once.. He told me he hasn't been written up and he was the one that came to me and told me after finding out what happened to me.. Everyone is annoyed and I think I am being targeted or something..
I worked with a lady who would call out 1-2 times every couple weeks because she had to look after her grandkids. Top performer but consistantly calling out and never ever coached.

If your store was aware that you were not in top condition and you tried your best to work through it, they should give you some slack. They should try to accommodate you or work with you. If you are sick and not able to work...take a personal.

I fail to see how Target can coach reliable and hardworking TMs but they fail to coach lazy TMs for the same things.
Yeah, and the thing is before I took my week vacation I told them what was wrong with me and I wouldn't need a Medical LOA, but I didn't no and no one else could have foreseen that I would get sick again and have to call out.. So now the Final last about what?! a year.. I told them there is no way in hell I will have 100% attendance for a whole year.. They know I will get sick again like any normal person.. I feel like I got pushed into a corner and theres no where to get out without getting term'd. So what choice does that leave me but to come to work when im sick, and if I throw up on the guest and food then so be it..
** Also there is one thing I am leaving out that is kinda important to this but I will not post it due to the fact that "they" will know who I am if anyone from my store is checking out this site..** If anyone would like to discuss this then PM me
Regardless if corporate is cracking down, if something was to happen to you during work and it is due to them be negligent to your needs. I am sure the law suit they would face. You should speak to your STL and also contact that integrity hotline I mentioned.
Just wanna thank you all for the support.. I have alot of TL's and TM's questioning the actions that was giving to me.. Its just good to know I'm not losing my mind thinking they were wrong.. I am not like the 75% of TM's working there.. This isn't my first job, Im not young and new to the retail world and I know my rights.. They won't get over on me and I will rock the boat if I have to
I think the reasoning is that doctors notes don't excuse excessive call ins.. If its something serious, I think they prefer that you'd take a leave of absence rather than call out on shifts for a month.

You should go see your doctor and see what they recommend, and if there is any treatment you can have/take that will help you to be able to work.
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Yeah Im fine with working its just with my immune system being complete crap now I can get sick more easier than anyone. I mean it was 5 days within a month and not back to back.. I've seen tons of others with more then that in call outs and most haven't had a write up at all..
what is wrong with the hotline? I have never called but have had a few TM's from other stores call in reference to other situations and it has worked in their favor. Thats why I assumed it was okay.... is this not correct?... eeekkk
The hotline has been known to backfire on people in very ugly ways.
Annie is right, there is no consistency when it comes down to how this these situations are handled.
If the E's have a fair amount of compassion then a TM will be fine but the rules are such that if they have a callous indifference to the suffering of others then the TM is screwed.
Just wanna thank you all for the support.. I have alot of TL's and TM's questioning the actions that was giving to me.. Its just good to know I'm not losing my mind thinking they were wrong.. I am not like the 75% of TM's working there.. This isn't my first job, Im not young and new to the retail world and I know my rights.. They won't get over on me and I will rock the boat if I have to

Hang in there. I hope you can get through this and get your health back...which is the main thing. You can always find a "crap" retail job, but you can't alway have your health.

Do you trust your HR at your store? If you do, then maybe you could make an appointment...take all of your doctor's notes and sit down and have a "heart to heart" with him/her. Take them that you really like your job at Target and that you will do your best to make it to work every day you are scheduled. I would not call the hotline either, at least right now.

After being a former leader for 11 years, sometimes "they" have to have a weak preformer at their monthly Contribution Team Lead Meeting. It looks like you are the one for the month. I always hated to have to find a problem team member just so I could have a name on my contribution report. Many times I didn't have one and I got a lot of dirty looks from the ETL-HR. It's a game, IMO.

Good luck.
what is wrong with the hotline? I have never called but have had a few TM's from other stores call in reference to other situations and it has worked in their favor. Thats why I assumed it was okay.... is this not correct?... eeekkk
The hotline is a trap. An Integrity Hotline operator even told me unless its to report a TM for theft...nothing is done.

I called the hotline and left an anonymous complaint about how an ETL-HR mishandled a transfer of mine and trashed a bunch of my applications for open positions. Nothing done. It was only because my STL at the time was buddy-buddy with the HR.

Right after the ETL-HR transferred out of the store, I called again and decided to leave my name. My new STL talked to me the next day to apologize on my experience. But it ended up, he was eyeing me as a troublemaker.

All I can suggest is go to the STL and ETL-HR. They cannot terminate or discriminate against you for a medical condition. They must give you reasonable accommodations.
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The hotline is a trap. An Integrity Hotline operator even told me unless its to report a TM for theft...nothing is done.

I called the hotline and left an anonymous complaint about how an ETL-HR mishandled a transfer of mine and trashed a bunch of my applications for open positions. Nothing done. It was only because my STL at the time was buddy-buddy with the HR.

Right after the ETL-HR transferred out of the store, I called again and decided to leave my name. My new STL talked to me the next day to apologize on my experience. But it ended up, he was eyeing me as a troublemaker.

All I can suggest is go to the STL and ETL-HR. They cannot terminate or discriminate against you for a medical condition. They must give you reasonable accommodations.

Thanks for the support, I went to ETL-HR and was told sorry nothing we can, per corporate policy they are cracking down on legit call outs that have the necessary doctors note.. So I said so If I get sick within the YEAR of being on a final what should I do.. Its not like I can have someone cover my shifts due to the work center I am at, and I cannot predict when I will get sick so I can request off. Or I can always show up sick and get sent home after throwing up on guest and food..
I can tell you for sure that it is not a corporate policy. It is your ETL-HR not owning the situation. The only policy Target has on attendance is that there is no policy. I hope everything works out for you.
hey, you don't need to worry...

you can be put on intermittent loa. all you need is your doctors notes and an hr who knows what theyre doing. i had an older lady in our signing who had a heart attack. management was chomping at the bits to replace her because she had been with the company for a couple of decades and was close to retiring, made as much as most tl. they bad mouthed her, even though she went above and beyond. she would have to miss a few days here and there because of her heart condition. the doctor only gave her a couple of years to live (she was in her 50s) but she had to work for the insurance. then she even lost her benefits because her average dropped down below 32, and she used up all her vacation. hr was going to term her and they started the head hunt. she was coached four times in two weeks when she came back for things that happened while she was away/silly things. the etls openly talked smack about how they were getting rid of her while i was at tsc. it made me sick. the hotline is useless.
what they didnt know is that i happened to be pretty decent with state law and target policy. our hr was worthless, so i spent a lot of time with tmsc and the group hr. i went into the system (with tmsc approval) and backkeyed intermittent loa time for each time she was absent (she qualified and was considered to be full time). not only did it bump her hours up to 31.5 and she get to keep her insurance, but it also documented all her medical issues and doctors notes. they couldn't touch her. she retired last year and now will hopefully get to babysit and spoil her grandkids, not babysit a bunch of spoiled etls. one of the two best things i ever did at target, and noone (except her) knew. the look on their faces was priceless.
what they didnt know is that i happened to be pretty decent with state law and target policy. our hr was worthless, so i spent a lot of time with tmsc and the group hr. i went into the system (with tmsc approval) and backkeyed intermittent loa time for each time she was absent (she qualified and was considered to be full time). not only did it bump her hours up to 31.5 and she get to keep her insurance, but it also documented all her medical issues and doctors notes. they couldn't touch her. she retired last year and now will hopefully get to babysit and spoil her grandkids, not babysit a bunch of spoiled etls. one of the two best things i ever did at target, and noone (except her) knew. the look on their faces was priceless.

Wow. That's worth way more than 100 GTCs.
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