Archived Just dosen't stop pulling

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Dec 20, 2011
Could use some insights fro my friends here. Recently started doing some backroom shifts and have had to deal with this problem of certain items that seem to never stop pulling when you backstock them. They seem to be specific to certain items such as salesplanners taken down with home locations, entertainment revisions, bulk items and newly set revisions or planograms. Certain items just keep re accumulating in caf or autofill batches. I have used the reset accumulator procedure for bulk items and it works but it seems impractical for these other catagories. Older more experienced backroom people tell me its some kind of system glitch and are very comfortable with just keying the pull and instantly re backstocking the item which does seem practical for efficiency purposes. But it does have this spillover effect on the legitimacy of pulls and pull quantity which also make the idea of burning batches using the same mentality only for reasons of laziness. Is there a sequence for backstocking or a process piece I am not aware of that fixes this in a more general way so the other pull items integrity aren't questioned. This glitch wreaks havoc with our higher volume pull quantities and you can always see it in how light commodity items like bleach and water get because of it. Thanks again for your help folks.
Go it instocks thread under our guides for more info.
Proper training of sf too!
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First things first, as Hardlinesmaster says re-set the accumulator. Despite your backroom team members tell you its a system glitch this is wrong. As my ETL-LOG like to say with the system "Garbage in garbage out" The computer does not just make up these numbers it only goes by the information that we enter into it. Reset the accumulator then route cause why its pulling it again.

Was the sales floor tie broken?
Is the capacity correct for the new SP?
Was the home location filled after the SP was taken down?

Pulling then Re-stoing batches is known as "Burning the batches" and this is the worst thing that you can do, unfortunately allot of "older, more experienced" people have bad habits that are hard to change, Trust me when I took over my backroom and i'm still battling with the stubborn ones now. But I have made it clear to all of them if I find them burning batches its a write up. Your not fixing the problem just pushing it off until the next hour and then the next shift.

The thing I have always loved the most and hated the most about Target is that every department is so reliant on each other if one person does not do there job correctly it affects everyone else.
We are solid green, and we very rarely need to use subt9999 anymore. I will say it was a long road getting there though.

I think until Target comes up with a better way of doing this, it is still very important to always Subt9999 old SPs or Plano backstock because of the lingering effects they have on the accumulator...
Our score is 98.0., in backroom. (not exact score) very little use of subt9999 at my store

We have beat this to death before, but let me present this example. The OH number is 200. Home location capacity is 50 and the SPLR capacity is 50. That means there is 100 STO'd in the BR. Let's assume that over the course of a month we sell 0. When the SPLR is taken down and STO'd, will it prompt a pull?
Hmmm. Yes, if it was d, still active, no. Depending on item, sweep back.

HLM, my question is......even in this "perfect" situation where the accumulator is spot on (because nothing was sold and nothing was pulled and STO'd repeatedly), will the system prompt a pull? I am assuming that all items are carry forward and the SPLR is no longer active (otherwise, it would still be up).
We have beat this to death before, but let me present this example. The OH number is 200. Home location capacity is 50 and the SPLR capacity is 50. That means there is 100 STO'd in the BR. Let's assume that over the course of a month we sell 0. When the SPLR is taken down and STO'd, will it prompt a pull?

For sometime it will (48 hours I think?)... While the sales accumulator keeps track of most things in real time, it doesn't adjust the salesfloor tie values instantly... in the example you gave everything works out alright because both locations were 100% full from the beginning and there was some product already backstocked!

However, say each location only had 30 in each location and no BR locations (so 60 total)... If you work the product to the home, break the old SP tie, and backstock the extra 10, the accumulator will still think there is a need of 40 (100 Capacity from both locations - 60 it knew were on the floor)... When you break the tie and backstock the extra without using Subt9999, the accumulator isn't smart enough to update all those values! This is why some product pulls over and over again in the CAFs (in this case 10 at a time back and forth) either until it satisfies that 40 or someone uses Subt9999... Hope that makes sense 🙂
Thanks rock! I think it is 48 hours on the count. Our score had gotten better when etl log did some changes in the backroom. I do know that his team is very motivated & goals driven. I am on salesfloor & not so lucky.
Your close to what I'm trying to understand here so lets revisit the insiteful1 example. No sales were accumulated there, capacitity values did change. If pos activity was accumulated on the item is the pull adding that to the change in capacities. Seems like 2 different events are going on here. If thats the case the pull value in the accumulator is much higher and using SUBT999 makes alot more sense.
After winter 2011 update, certain things will change. Subt9999 will help on answering the question, backstock this? Yes or no? So tHat you won't pull it, backstock, pulling again for cafs, backstock again.
Your close to what I'm trying to understand here so lets revisit the insiteful1 example. No sales were accumulated there, capacitity values did change. If pos activity was accumulated on the item is the pull adding that to the change in capacities. Seems like 2 different events are going on here. If thats the case the pull value in the accumulator is much higher and using SUBT999 makes alot more sense.

Here is what I understand... The example he gave had an accumulator value of +0 so even after the endcap is killed and backstocked, the lingering value of +0 doesn't really change anything...
In the example I gave, the accumulator had a need of +40 BEFORE any ties were changed (all product on the floor with 60 eaches), however we broke the tie and worked the rest to the home (fitting 50 total out) and backstocked the extra 10... even though that tie is broken, that +40 need does NOT go away on its own... We haven't done anything to the accumulator to subtract 40 from the need, because even though the new ties have changed the capacities it still remembers needing to send 40 to the salesfloor! Since we have a total of 10 just get backtocked, it will pull in the next CAFs and pull all 10 (this subtracts 10 from the need) and then we figure out it won't fit on the floor and backstock it... Next hour the need is +30, the +20 etc... Or you could have just Subt9999 it (which is actually -9999 to the +40, equaling +0) and not worry about it! This is why you always Subt9999 old salesplans and plano backstock!
We are solid green, and we very rarely need to use subt9999 anymore. I will say it was a long road getting there though.

Thank you Rock and HLM! Soooooooooo, my BR is sitting at 98% too. Frugm and HLM both implied that NOT using subt9999 is directly related to a green score. I don't see it. You MUST subt9999 when you backstock SPLR's. We all agree that there is no way around it. "I will say it was a long road getting there though." -- Frugm and HLM said, "Very little use of subt999 at my store." How are you avoiding using it? Do your pushers just just tolerate it or do you let killed SPLR's sit for 48 hours before you backstock? You both make it sound like eventually subt9999 is an unnecessary step, but I don't see that EVER being possible. I'm not picking on anyone, just trying to understand!
Thank you Rock and HLM! Soooooooooo, my BR is sitting at 98% too. Frugm and HLM both implied that NOT using subt9999 is directly related to a green score. I don't see it. You MUST subt9999 when you backstock SPLR's. We all agree that there is no way around it. "I will say it was a long road getting there though." -- Frugm and HLM said, "Very little use of subt999 at my store." How are you avoiding using it? Do your pushers just just tolerate it or do you let killed SPLR's sit for 48 hours before you backstock? You both make it sound like eventually subt9999 is an unnecessary step, but I don't see that EVER being possible. I'm not picking on anyone, just trying to understand!

One possible alternative that I have been thinking about (not BP mind you) is to use RSCH as a tool to fix the accumulator! I am not 100% sure it would work, and I would like to test it sometime, but if you were to RSCH a full shelf that got filled by an old SP and backstocked, I wonder if RSCHing the item and entering the new capacity as the quantity would reset the accumulator and keep the item from pulling? Just a thought?

On topic... I don't foresee you being able to not use Subt9999, and even a good use of this function doesn't solve your problems... What if you stocked everything, and then the item comes in on the truck tomorrow? It will be sent to push because you had no product to Subt9999 with, it will still be causing problems!
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I will let you know on that. I did research on Lego with a hit item, under stand alone research & see what happens. Instocks did research last week, I forgot the grey dots tagging.
To answer the other question, backstock it, the clock & bp are not your friend. Beat it, on your terms!
I am not sure on that one. My guess is, no locations, no prompts. Test it a hot item & partner w/tl to monitor the item.
The nights I close, I walk through my area a pull off overstock (usually not more than a cart). I then backstock it using the SUBT function. I do this for 2 reasons, 1) it cuts out the STO step, 2) it resets the accumulator. IF you just STO it, the item is repulled and comes right back to the floor. Tomorrow night I will note BR locations on all of the items I STO. It will be a nice test.
Does the system only prompt these weird pulls when there are 0 BR locations?

Are you asking if in the examples given, if instead we were to add in a backroom location of another 50 eaches, how it would effect the CAFs pulling over and over again on the same product?
Are you asking if in the examples given, if instead we were to add in a backroom location of another 50 eaches, how it would effect the CAFs pulling over and over again on the same product?

Beyond the example. If a SPLR is killed and backstocked with no existing BR locs, will it repull?
Beyond the example. If a SPLR is killed and backstocked with no existing BR locs, will it repull?

I am not 100% sure how that will work... I would say that it wouldn't repull right away (in all reality the BR location is only telling us that the accumulator never triggered to pull at +40) and it isn't really a deciding factor on WHY these items repull over and over again... However, I wonder if the item were to sell later that day, if the pulls would over trigger? I am not sure, That is why it is important to just Subt9999 plano and Sp backstock... The more you do it, the more on your accumulator will be!
Great responses on this. Tested out some of these suggestions but SUBT999 seems built for this, when you enter Y to keep the item on location it reprompts you to quantify your backstock. Salesplanners, entertainment revisions and pog revisions and resets seem to be the most common situations where this is most applicable. any other scenarios anyone would add?
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