Archived Just offered ETL-AP --- Some general questions, and salary question

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Oct 6, 2014
Hey everyone, earlier this week I was offered an ETL-AP at 48,000 (straight out of college) and I have a few questions. First, I wanted to negotiate to at least 50k. The recruiter told me they were offering 48k, and when I asked if there was a range for this career, he said that there wasnt, at that every ETL in this region starts at this amount. I thought that was weird, and I wasn't sure if he was lying or not as I've never heard of a non-negotiable salary.

Next question - one of my degrees is in security. I've taken many AP/LP/Investigation courses, and I want to work at Target for AP. I want AP to be a career, whether at Target, or if I move on somewhere else later down the road. I hear stories of ETL's being changed around job wise every 18 months. Will target potentially move me into softlines or something? I feel as that that would be a waste of my degree, and my interests. I understand working ETL-AP requires a lot of non-AP work, but at least some of the work is AP related and usable experience at other companies for LP/AP management. I do not know if I want to accept this offer if in two years I could be an ETL of HR or something, as I have 0 interest in anything besides AP, or moving to STL. Thanks for reading this!
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I've seen people who have no experience in AP get assigned to ETL-AP, and they move around like others every 18 months. However if you specialize in AP, you could potentially move up to a District/Group AP position, or go over to Corporate Side. One of my ETL-AP at first store was really good at AP (specialized in it) and ended up getting a job at Corporate.

If you can't advance upwards, you might have to switch companies though, unless you want to go into Non AP Roles.
I've seen people who have no experience in AP get assigned to ETL-AP, and they move around like others every 18 months. However if you specialize in AP, you could potentially move up to a District/Group AP position, or go over to Corporate Side. One of my ETL-AP at first store was really good at AP (specialized in it) and ended up getting a job at Corporate.

If you can't advance upwards, you might have to switch companies though, unless you want to go into Non AP Roles.

On the flip-side of this, AP positions at the district/group level are being eliminated in some areas. For example, the APBP position has been cut or slimmed down to one APBP per 5 districts or 2 per group. Some stores are losing ETL-AP and are being monitored by remote locations. This took the wind out of our ETL-AP because he wanted to work towards a district/group position.
I've seen people who have no experience in AP get assigned to ETL-AP, and they move around like others every 18 months. However if you specialize in AP, you could potentially move up to a District/Group AP position, or go over to Corporate Side. One of my ETL-AP at first store was really good at AP (specialized in it) and ended up getting a job at Corporate.

If you can't advance upwards, you might have to switch companies though, unless you want to go into Non AP Roles.

On the flip-side of this, AP positions at the district/group level are being eliminated in some areas. For example, the APBP position has been cut or slimmed down to one APBP per 5 districts or 2 per group. Some stores are losing ETL-AP and are being monitored by remote locations. This took the wind out of our ETL-AP because he wanted to work towards a district/group position.

I was hoping to work towards a district/group position myself actually. Is this something that is fairly isolated, or is this trend rapidly becoming the norm? Honestly I'm kind of surprised they are offering me an AP ETL job as it seems like they are moving away from AP in general.
1st question - you can negotiate and I would recommend going for at least 50K depending on your area's cost of living.
2nd question - you can stay an ETL-AP for a long time. The 18 months is the minimum/average rotation term you must stay in role. My friend as been an ETL-AP for 5 years, however he has been at 2 stores. Very rarely will you do an entire ETL career at one Target. Another friend has been an ETL his entire 15 year career. He's been everything but still at the ETL level. Changing roles is usually your choice but sometimes you may be forced into another area, depending on the needs of the district/store/group. If you want to move up to STL, you may be asked to do another rotation in another role to become more acquainted with other processes. Usually STL goes through at least HR or LOG.
Not an expert on the matter myself, but Target has been cutting back on AP continuously since I've started for them in 2009.
I was hoping to work towards a district/group position myself actually. Is this something that is fairly isolated, or is this trend rapidly becoming the norm? Honestly I'm kind of surprised they are offering me an AP ETL job as it seems like they are moving away from AP in general.

If that is your goal then don't quit on it. You can very well land a district/group/corporate position. Some APs are superstars at it and promote quickly to needed district/group level positions. I don't think Target knows where it's going. They tend to test ideas in isolated areas and if it works then they will start spreading it to other areas. In the past year, several district/group level personnel had the choice to resign or go back to the store as an ETL or STL depending on their position.

The trend for the past few years has been "Expect more, get less" meaning expect more from your stores but give them less people and resources to get it done.
Hey Boss,

1) Congratz! AP is a fun world to be in, especially in a ETL-AP store. I'm assuming you will have a few TPS's.

2) You can try to negotiate the wage. I would shoot for 50K. Don't be shocked if you don't get it. Especially if your DTL and APBP are hardasses. They will want to see results before you get that extra money. I know that the 48K is about average for "just out of college". I have a 4 YR deg and at least 4 years of XP in AP before Target and they fought me on my wage when I was hired.

3) So you can stay a ETL-AP and don't have to move to another area. I myself would do very poorly in any other Target Dept. The problem with this is that AP is the first to be cut around Target. It is being slowly found out that a APL can do the job of a ETL-AP and it's cheaper to just make a GSTL a Sr. TL to cover the LOD shifts of a ETL-AP. If you wanted to stay a ETL-AP but the position was faded out a year later, they would most likely offer you another ETL position, offer you another store outside your district, or throw your ass out into the street. I know several 5+ YR ETL-AP TM and they are great people, but live in constant fear of the position being cut because they are unwilling to move to another ETL position and don't want to uproot their families to go to another store.

4) ETL-AP is one of the more difficult ETL positions because it doesn't mesh with LOD needs. You will essentially get none to very little of your AP stuff done while you are LOD. You will be required to do other things that will bring you away from your cameras and reports. This is where you need to rely on your team. If you have a poor team, scrap them and re-hire. The ETL-AP TM I knew had bad teams, so they had to do their 3 LOD shifts and then do 5 to 6 reg AP shifts to make up the slack.

5) Moving on up! You can become a APBP (Asset Protection Business Partner) or a Investigator. Both are good money but demanding positions. It would be the natural point of progression, but it's VERY competitive and generally you have to be willing to move around (not stores, I mean like state to state)

Welcome again to the AP team. It's fun, demanding, and one of the most underrated departments in Target. I highly suggest making it your own and go in everyday with that "apprehension" feeling. Don't get bogged down with the little stuff and DEFIANTLY don't take that shit home with you. I knew I was doing to much when I was eating dinner and writing out TCM cases one night. From now on I have a leave work at work policy.

PS: After 2 months of AP you will be in another store and you will think someone is stealing. Thats also when you know you work too much.
Hey Boss,

1) Congratz! AP is a fun world to be in, especially in a ETL-AP store. I'm assuming you will have a few TPS's.

2) You can try to negotiate the wage. I would shoot for 50K. Don't be shocked if you don't get it. Especially if your DTL and APBP are hardasses. They will want to see results before you get that extra money. I know that the 48K is about average for "just out of college". I have a 4 YR deg and at least 4 years of XP in AP before Target and they fought me on my wage when I was hired.

3) So you can stay a ETL-AP and don't have to move to another area. I myself would do very poorly in any other Target Dept. The problem with this is that AP is the first to be cut around Target. It is being slowly found out that a APL can do the job of a ETL-AP and it's cheaper to just make a GSTL a Sr. TL to cover the LOD shifts of a ETL-AP. If you wanted to stay a ETL-AP but the position was faded out a year later, they would most likely offer you another ETL position, offer you another store outside your district, or throw your ass out into the street. I know several 5+ YR ETL-AP TM and they are great people, but live in constant fear of the position being cut because they are unwilling to move to another ETL position and don't want to uproot their families to go to another store.

4) ETL-AP is one of the more difficult ETL positions because it doesn't mesh with LOD needs. You will essentially get none to very little of your AP stuff done while you are LOD. You will be required to do other things that will bring you away from your cameras and reports. This is where you need to rely on your team. If you have a poor team, scrap them and re-hire. The ETL-AP TM I knew had bad teams, so they had to do their 3 LOD shifts and then do 5 to 6 reg AP shifts to make up the slack.

5) Moving on up! You can become a APBP (Asset Protection Business Partner) or a Investigator. Both are good money but demanding positions. It would be the natural point of progression, but it's VERY competitive and generally you have to be willing to move around (not stores, I mean like state to state)

Welcome again to the AP team. It's fun, demanding, and one of the most underrated departments in Target. I highly suggest making it your own and go in everyday with that "apprehension" feeling. Don't get bogged down with the little stuff and DEFIANTLY don't take that shit home with you. I knew I was doing to much when I was eating dinner and writing out TCM cases one night. From now on I have a leave work at work policy.

PS: After 2 months of AP you will be in another store and you will think someone is stealing. Thats also when you know you work too much.

Really appreciate all of this advice! I'm stoked to begin woking, even with the potential issues with AP. In regards to going for more $, do you have any suggestions since I already asked the recruiter for a range and i was told me everyone starts out at that? I do have multiple degrees and minors, and experience owning my own business, so I feel a little more prepared than an average college student leaving college. Again, seriously thanks for the info - I may PM you later on down the road if I have any questions once I start my AP role if you dont mind.
1) Seriously PM me if you need help. I'm sure every Target uses the slang "take a partner", with AP it might as well be the @#$*ing gospel. You don't know the directive for this? Take a partner. You think you should move the Exterior camera to the left but don't know how? Take a Partner. The @#$*ing Flow TM stole your lunch? Open a Internal on him....err...I mean Take a partner.

2) Go at the wage thing with stating your experience. I did ___ and got ___. I managed ____ that way and got ____ results. Be confident in yourself, but not cocky. You can probably work up a few bucks. Just know they will expect a lot from you.
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