Archived Labels strip that have errors

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Feb 27, 2015
Thanks Target for sending all new label strips for the nutrition aisle revision. But it would have been a lot easier if they weren't wrong!! Almost every other label had the wrong item in the wrong place. Or even the wrong shelf. I hope this isn't a prelude of this to come this year. Ugh.
I hate the label strips. So inflexible, and whoever puts the measurements in for the products is on crack.
I wouldn't assume it is a prelude to anything considering out of the entire box of label strips, only one pog has issues which prevent them being used. It happens sometimes. Our nutrition strips are messed up too; we retied the old pog and will mySupport the issue.

It's not always a person to blame for the measurements; sometimes it's the software used to create the pogs, sometimes the measurements aren't available when the pog is created, sometimes the measurements given are just wrong leading to incorrect strips.

We make it work where we can and if we can't, mySupport it so they are aware of the issue to resolve.
Yeah, I'm not liking it, either. I'm sure they'll save $$$ on ink, but the yellow really makes a huge difference in readability.
I have yet to talk to a anyone, from the STL down to the lowliest TM, who thinks this new labeling is a good idea. How do people at HQ get their jobs?
I'm talking about the actual schematic numbers. If you are going to send them out to thousands of stores, make sure they are right! Adding in hours of extra work on one revision is unacceptable. Next time, I'm setting them with the mistakes and walking away.
I have yet to talk to a anyone, from the STL down to the lowliest TM, who thinks this new labeling is a good idea. How do people at HQ get their jobs?
I feel like I’m the only one who likes them. Different, but I like them. We still haven’t got our sheets in so we have been blowing through rolls of white labels for our O’Neil printers.
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