Archived Leaving Target (for the most part) after almost 7 years

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Dec 3, 2014
As some of you know, I got a job in my college degree field. Well today, Saturday June 18th, 2016, is my last full week at Target. I start my new job Monday with me only working Sundays at Target.

I feels weird leaving. I started out as Hardlines. Then within a year of me being at Target, I was cross trained in backroom. Then in the summer of 2010, the p fresh remodel happened. Once p fresh opened in October 2010, I was asked to do backroom p fresh & sales floor p fresh. After one of our PAs left in early 2012, I was hired as a PA and have been there ever since.

Basically, since p fresh as opened, I have been the one consistent in the department.

I am going to miss see certain people every week. And I am not going to miss others as well.

But better pay, better benefits & a consistent schedule where you work M-F will make anyone leave Target
Congratulations, kick some ass and take names.
The world is your oyster.
Congrats. Interesting enough if there is one thing target has taught us all its solid demanding work ethic. Good luck, soar on young eagle.
Congratulations on your degree and on being able to get it while working at Spot.
Thank you everyone. I do, in fact, get weekends and holidays off. Holidays are paid as well. Target has taught me to deal with people and they will help me in my new job
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