Archived Leaving Target Question

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Nov 9, 2014
Hey everyone,
So I recently was hired as a seasonal guest services tm at target, and was asked to stay on.
I accepted at the time thinking I would be living here and would love to continue this job that I actually really like.
Earlier today though, I have decided that I am going to move back to a different state that I used to live in and attend a college there, but I will need to move like within the next week or two in order to get settled before classes start.
I don't want to be ineligible for rehire as I would love to work for target again if I ever lie near one (there isn't one within a half hour of where I am moving to), but I don't have a full two weeks to give notice. I really need This week to be my last!
What do I do? Any advice?
I work tomorrow morning so I will talk to HR then, but please give me any advice you have for quitting gracefully and leaving on good terms with less than two weeks notice.
They haven't gotten rid of all the seasonal people yet, so talk to HR apologize and sell it. Your space can go to someone they wanted to keep but couldn't. You are being straight forward and want to keep them informed but hadn't thought it through. Sell that apology. You should be ok.
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