Archived Less than 6 hours, is a lunch needed?

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Jan 4, 2019
Hello, so one of my coworkers was scheduled 5.5 hours but our GE-ETL told them they have to take a lunch. Can they force us to take a lunch for shifts less than 6 hours?
Hello, so one of my coworkers was scheduled 5.5 hours but our GE-ETL told them they have to take a lunch. Can they force us to take a lunch for shifts less than 6 hours?
In CA you have to take lunch by your 5th hour. Let’s say if my schedule says I work from 1-6 I wouldn’t take a lunch but I would clock out at 5:55. Now if I’m scheduled from 1-6:15 then yes I have to take a lunch and work my shift as scheduled . However when that happens in my store usually all etls are okay with not taking a lunch however again they can make you take a lunch and work your schedule as printed on the board.
You can also take a 30 minute lunch intead of 45
Look at the paper schedule. If 12-5:30 says 5.5, you're not scheduled for a lunch. If it says 5.0 You're scheduled a lunch and working over if you don't take it. That cuts into payroll.
Not in California. If you clock in under 45 minutes you're getting one of them sweet convos with that special someone! ;)

I’m in California, but one of my TL’s okayed a 30min lunch before. I never heard anything about it afterwards :oops:
I’m in California, but one of my TL’s okayed a 30min lunch before. I never heard anything about it afterwards :oops:

That's good! Our ETLHR says it's not ok and I thought comes up in the compliance report. And I don't think even a TL can override compliance. Sometimes if it happens and you're not at work for a few days to sign the report I don't know if you'd know you got a write up. 🤷‍♀️
Look at the paper schedule. If 12-5:30 says 5.5, you're not scheduled for a lunch. If it says 5.0 You're scheduled a lunch and working over if you don't take it. That cuts into payroll.
I thought that the schedule doesn't factor in lunches. It depends on the time frame. Kronos also breaks it up in the app too. Just gotta go to shift details.
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