Archived LGBT Designation on eHR. What is it for?

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Aug 23, 2014
I mysel a gay TM, I identify as gay guy, I'm asking about the Designation to know what is that for. Does anybody know?

Also what if other TM who is a very religious person mocks at me and makes jokes, other type of comments to other TMs who are actually my friends and they tell me what the fucking bitch is saying, what can I do about that? It's not like I'm the stereotypical gay that acts effeminate or girly, dresses or anything like that; in effect, people cannot tell I am unlesa I tell them (which I try not to. That lady found out by my Facebook but she's not even my friend there) or i introduce them my husband. So can I do something about that lady and her harassment?
Don't worry about the designation, as @Hauteclaire said it's just for data purposes.

Write down everything that has been said and done by this other TM.
Don't editorialize, just do your best to get times, dates, places, strictly facts.
Get as much detail as possible, then use words like 'hostile work environment' and 'uncontrolled hostility.'
Go up the ladder so as to make sure no feels you are skipping steps, your ETL first, to HR second if nothing happens when you talk to the ETL and if you don't see results then the STL.
You don't have to put up with this shit and your bosses should not be looking the other way.
If they know about it shame on them and you need to rub their noses in it.
If they don't know about it, you need to make sure they do.
Target as a corporation is very pro-LGBT. If you are the subject of bullying or harassment either your ETL-HR or someone in the HR hierarchy will take it very seriously. Definitely bring it to their attention.

And as @Hauteclaire said the designation is solely for corporate's demographic data. Large corporations make it a priority to hire minorities and to keep track of how many they hire. It comes in handy both to know what sort of issues they need to focus on for team member morale/benefit purposes, the sorts of insurance claims they might anticipate, and as handy information to have if they have to defend themselves against litigation claiming that they discriminate.
I'm sorry you're having to deal with that kind of hate.
I don't understand. Where is there a LGBT designation? WHY would there be? They're not allowed to ask if you're straight or gay or in love with an eggplant so I don't understand why that would be listed anywhere.

Where to I look to see this? I've logged into eHR a bunch but never seen it.
If you are in a state where same sex marriage is not recognised, the designation helps you if you have a designated "life partner" or whatever terribly nauseating term they decided to use.
I don't understand. Where is there a LGBT designation? WHY would there be? They're not allowed to ask if you're straight or gay or in love with an eggplant so I don't understand why that would be listed anywhere.

Where to I look to see this? I've logged into eHR a bunch but never seen it.
It's for general demographic purposes, like asking your ethnicity.
I don't think I could ever get married. Marriage has turned into a political status and I don't feel like being part of that.
It's for the NSA when they round you up for the FEMA CAMPS
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