Archived Limiting hours?

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Dec 8, 2011
my STL has tried to limit how many hours a team member can work in one day to 5. he's tried to do this twice, once in the fall of 2010 and once early this past summer. i've heard that his reasoning is that it will "make the team more productive". are the STLs allowed to do this?

i'm cross-trained throughout the store so when hours are short i pick them up where i can. when i heard about this, i was told that i wouldn't be allowed to pick up hours to make up for what i was "cut". that we were going to be limited to only 5 hours per day...
I've seen this tried in the past on the flowteam, where they were actually sent home at their scheduled time. Which resulted in the ETL-LOG working a twelve hour day, finishing the truck by themselves. Needless to say, it was abandoned shortly after its inception!
ha! our flow never leaves when their scheduled. only sales floor tm are expected to clock out when scheduled.

btw i love the poem invictus... i've been considering getting it tattooed.. just can't decide if i want the whole poem, or just the last two paragraphs.. not to mention the fact that it's going to be super expensive.
This sounds more like an effort to make sure they are able to float the number of hours they have across all the employees evenly, which Ss me as kind of stupid.
The 'more productive' means they have to give fewer breaks is all, nothing more.
It sounds like he's trying to prevent people needing lunches, but it sounds stupid. I'd barely get anything done if I were limited to five hours a day.
They have been sending our flow team home according to their schedule to the minute,depending on the truck the backroom is not so bad although our last truck was massive and the br was a disaster,the flow tl was still working on it three hrs later when I was leaving.As I was walking to my car I passed the dm on the way into the store,fun fun fun.
My store was notorious for giving TMs 4 to 5.75 hour shifts. ETLs wanted to work TMs as much as possible without having them take a lunch.
my STL has tried to limit how many hours a team member can work in one day to 5. he's tried to do this twice, once in the fall of 2010 and once early this past summer. i've heard that his reasoning is that it will "make the team more productive". are the STLs allowed to do this?

i'm cross-trained throughout the store so when hours are short i pick them up where i can. when i heard about this, i was told that i wouldn't be allowed to pick up hours to make up for what i was "cut". that we were going to be limited to only 5 hours per day...

My opinion is it is a way to keep team members from getting full time benefits. I would do anything possible to make this guy miserable by reporting it to the hotline, calling the district office, sending letters to corporate. Anything to make this guy look like an idiot. And if I got fired over it, so be it! Stuff like this is just the kind of BS that makes me hate the company more and more!

I also would not stay after my scheduled shift is over ever again or volunteer to work on days off, etc. My work might even start to never know.
My store limits hours but it isn't really that restrictive. The longest shift we can work is 15 hours. They only put that rule in to effect because whenever they hand out OT everyone, myself included, would go nuts and do 19 hour days. Our GSTL won though, he did a 26 hour day.
My opinion is it is a way to keep team members from getting full time benefits. I would do anything possible to make this guy miserable by reporting it to the hotline, calling the district office, sending letters to corporate. Anything to make this guy look like an idiot. And if I got fired over it, so be it! Stuff like this is just the kind of BS that makes me hate the company more and more!

I also would not stay after my scheduled shift is over ever again or volunteer to work on days off, etc. My work might even start to never know.

this is exactly what i said. he's trying to keep ppl from using benefits. this is just the tip of the iceberg of BS that goes on in my store. i spent a long long time last night digging thru the site. enough that i had nightmares about it all.... that's usually a signal that i'm too stressed lol. all too common with my job lately.
I'm being scheduled for 4 or 5 hour shifts. I've been getting around that by picking up dropped shifts or doing some clever swapping with others in my workcenter. I'm averaging 1 double a week. This week, I'm up to 2 doubles. Sunday I did a 9am-10pm (13 hours) and today I did a 10-9 (11 hours).
I've been getting a lot of short shifts lately (6.50 if I'm lucky). A lot of veteran cashiers have been hit by the same thing, but the seasonals all seem to get 7-8 hours each shift. I got some decent hours the week of Christmas Eve though (including 8-hour sales floor training). :-D
Our flow team scheduled 5.5 hours on truck days while backroom get 8 hours. I'm lucky and get 40 hours per week and I bust my ass for them.
My store limits hours but it isn't really that restrictive. The longest shift we can work is 15 hours. They only put that rule in to effect because whenever they hand out OT everyone, myself included, would go nuts and do 19 hour days. Our GSTL won though, he did a 26 hour day.

How did your GSTL stay sane?
How did your GSTL stay functional, let alone sane?

He was barely functional after about 17 hours. He was in a position where we couldn't just send him home though so he had to stay. He closed the lanes, did a full freight shift, and then opened the lanes the next morning...

He told me he went home and slept for almost 13 hours to recover.
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