Archived Loa

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Jul 9, 2011
Unfortunately I have to have surgery. Doctor says I will out for 4-6 weeks. Obviously I will need to put in for a LOA. My question is, does spot pay short term disability? I know it would not be the total amount I would make each check, but some is better than none.
Are you full time? AKA are you working more than 31.5 hours a week on average?
Unfortunately I have to have surgery. Doctor says I will out for 4-6 weeks. Obviously I will need to put in for a LOA. My question is, does spot pay short term disability? I know it would not be the total amount I would make each check, but some is better than none.

It depends, if you qualify for benefits, the STD insurance (No giggles lol :first_move🙂 is included at no cost to you. It should pay approx. 60% of your regular pay.
Mi sheberakh avoteinu mekor habrakha l’imoteinu

Prayers for you and that your surgery goes well.
Yes, I'm full time (Sr Team Lead) Thanks for all kind words. I hope I recover quickly as well. I admit I giggled a bit about STD insurance.
Call TMSC/whatever it's called nowadays.

Yes, under some circustances they pay STD ie. sick pay. If you are an hourly tm, you will get a percentage of your hourly rate, somewhere between 50 and 75% of your hourly rate will be paid to you as long as your average hours have consistently been above 19.5 average hours or higher. If you have more than 2 years of service and the coverage is just for you, you can be on the better coverage plans. The Target Benefit Center will determine what your eligibility is, 800-828-5850 ask for the leave and disability department.
Unfortunately I have to have surgery. Doctor says I will out for 4-6 weeks. Obviously I will need to put in for a LOA. My question is, does spot pay short term disability? I know it would not be the total amount I would make each check, but some is better than none.
Generally speaking most of the paperwork is done through the Target Benefits Center's leave and disability department though
Have you taken a leave lately? Do you work in the loa dept? all loa ?'s should be addressed by the TBC. They send to employees the paperwork to go on a leave, and they explain all of the eligibility and enrollment into an loa guidelines.
Maybe at the corp level, not at the store level.
I hope you were able to get all the answers to your loa questions.
Generally speaking most of the paperwork is done through the Target Benefits Center's leave and disability department though
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