Archived LOD for 10 hours...hourly TM

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Jun 18, 2011
Recently at my store the Senior TLs have been given these long 10 hour LOD shifts (LOD the entire time) with out another senior or exec in the building. How do you handle taking a 30 minute uninterrupted lunch if your the only one there? And you can forget about taking 15 minute breaks, I swear everybody in the building has some sort of alert that tells them when I decide to try to take a break, I get like 5 LOD calls. I frequently have to work 'off the clock' because I am the only one in the building. Who should I contact about this? My DTL or HRBP?
Recently at my store the Senior TLs have been given these long 10 hour LOD shifts (LOD the entire time) with out another senior or exec in the building. How do you handle taking a 30 minute uninterrupted lunch if your the only one there? And you can forget about taking 15 minute breaks, I swear everybody in the building has some sort of alert that tells them when I decide to try to take a break, I get like 5 LOD calls. I frequently have to work 'off the clock' because I am the only one in the building. Who should I contact about this? My DTL or HRBP?
Talk to your Stl, then dtl.
I know ETLs and higher don't have to punch, since they are salaried, but since you are a Sr.TL, you have to punch for your meal.

I know ETLs are expected to work during break when needed, so I'm not sure what your best course of action would be. Probably make punch corrections? Talk to your STL/ETL-HR
Hourly key carriers like the Flow, Plano, and Sr TL's in my store will do punch corrections for the times they need to perform work after clocking out for a meal. There's really no other option if they are the only LOD in the building, although usually there would be an ETL in the building, if not the LOD, by the time the store is open and guest interactions occur.
Can't you have another TL answer LOD calls while you are on lunch? As long as it not anything major they should be able to handle it (taking call ins, guest complaints, etc).
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STL makes the schedule so he is aware of what he is scheduling us. Usually the only other TL there is the GSTL so they cant really leave the front of the store for anything
Talk to your ETL-HR. You shouldn't have to work on your lunch, even with punch corrections. Policy clearly states that you get a 30 min uninterrupted break.
Talk to your ETL-HR. You shouldn't have to work on your lunch, even with punch corrections. Policy clearly states that you get a 30 min uninterrupted break.

This. At my old store we made sure to have a competent GSTL to handle any LOD tasks during their lunch in terms of what concerns the front end (not much, just handling the complainers) and an experienced TL to run the floor and answer calls. I'd see why the scheduling is so poor. Probably due to volume or cost cutting.
best practice per hq is that there is a mid lod scheduled every single day. the mid is supposed to be scheduled in early enough to cover lunch for the opener and late enough to cover lunch for the closer. a trusted tl could definitely help you field calls. i would go to the stl first, because he/she is the one writing your schedule. if it does not get better, go to hrbp. and always fill out a punch correction for everything you did while off the clock, even your drive around the building for security checks. most of the time, target has procedures in place that cover all the questions/issues we have... its just a matter of the store enforcing them.
I generally don't run into that issue in my store. We have a task, service and recovery LOD scheduled everyday in my building. I will say though that with the exception of my STL, the ETLs generaaly book out of there by 5/5:30 so coverage for lunch is sometimes nonexistent on a closing shift. I am usually able to take an uninterrupted 30 without the team bothering me and when possible, I leave the TL to cactus calls but for a store to schedule a Sr. TL like that is against best practice and in my opinion, disrespectful to that Sr. TL.
@OP, if this is dayside I'd imagine there should at least be several other ETLs in the building? Have one of them cover your breaks.

At my Super-T, we have at least 3 ETLs in the store from open to close, with the number usually being 5-6. I don't think we have any SR.TLs doing LOD, so maybe thats a ULV thing? You do at least have one other ETL scheduled during your shifts though right?

Overnight always has at least 1 ETL too, sometimes 2. (LOG/REPLEN)
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@OP, if this is dayside I'd imagine there should at least be several other ETLs in the building? Have one of them cover your breaks.

At my Super-T, we have at least 3 ETLs in the store from open to close, with the number usually being 5-6. I don't think we have any SR.TLs doing LOD, so maybe thats a ULV thing? You do at least have one other ETL scheduled during your shifts though right?

Overnight always has at least 1 ETL too, sometimes 2. (LOG/REPLEN)

At my ULV we only have 3 ETLs and 2 SrTLs. They do their best to stay until I take lunch if I'm closing. There are ALOT of times im the only LOD in the building though. OP is probably in a similar situation
Do you guys sometimes close with only 1 ETL/Sr.TL? Thats crazy!!
Yep. On my close night, it is just me and on my weekend to close it is just me too. The closing weekend only happen once very eight weeks but its usually very frustrating, especially when you have no leaders in the building at all and you're forced to cover a GSA lunch
I used to close/open all the time as a SRTL in a GM Target. Quite often I closed with no other TL in the building. When the schedule was written they would say I was the closing TL and did not need another TL. When an exec closed they always had a TL plus the rest of the closing crew. I tried in vain to explain how I should not be counted as a SF closer when I was the LOD and they did not get it. When we finally got a new STL she was astounded the way it had been scheduled. The ETL crew was always out the door by 5:30. As a SrTL in a SuperT I never open or close or even have keys.
Man, we open/close with heaps of ETLs and even more heaps of TLs.... Guess i'm fortunate to be high vol SuperT.

Having only 1 SR.TL/ETL for Open / Close just sounds plain crappy... yuck.

Also... Sr.TL covering GSA breaks?? We usually have a SDTM trained TM cover GSA/GSTL breaks, and we just write down our numbers/pin for them.
We open with lots of ETLs and close with at the very least a SrTL. If we only have one ETL or SrTL, they don't cover GSTL breaks - we get a sales floor TL or one of the Brand TMs from softlines (they have supervisor numbers). Not sure of our volume though.
Man, we open/close with heaps of ETLs and even more heaps of TLs.... Guess i'm fortunate to be high vol SuperT.

Having only 1 SR.TL/ETL for Open / Close just sounds plain crappy... yuck.

Also... Sr.TL covering GSA breaks?? We usually have a SDTM trained TM cover GSA/GSTL breaks, and we just write down our numbers/pin for them.

You could easily get termed for that.
Imerzan;7430t Also... Sr.TL covering GSA breaks?? We usually have a SDTM trained TM cover GSA/GSTL breaks said:
for using other tm's or tl's numbers without them being there, is a big NO, No! your store needs to stop doing this practice now. you can be termed, as soul said.
your etl-ge needs to schedule breaks for proper coverage. if the backup person needs help with an override, call the lod or other tl's fix the issue.(void or whatever)
Best practice according to all GSTLs at my store, and ETL-GE is okay with it. Doubt I'd get termed.

I assure you its not best practice and you should never give out your password or pin. If the wrong person finds out it could be bad. Just some friendly advice.
Na i don't give out password, just number and pin. My store leadership is okay with this, so I'm not going to worry about it.

Anyways best practice is subjective from store to store.
Hmm, let see what I can do with GSA number & pin#. open a register & run out the door. Because your backup person is dishonest & gave your number out to their buddy to used.
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