I've been dealing with this issue lately too. The containers from our new milk vendor leak a ton. 1st off the drain was clogged and my SFT spent a long time clearing it. We have 1 drain for a 5 door block of coolers. I don't think you're going to be able to tackle flushing/cleaning without him there in case yours are clogged too. Anything you pour in will just pool up and sit there. After unclogging, we 1st tried flushing with hot water and scrubbing under all the bottom shelves. Helped a bit, but there was still odor. A few days later I used a vinegar hot water combo. Left a weird vinegary/sweet smell for a couple weeks. Better than sour but still weird. Sour smell is coming back but I discovered that the inside of the bottom shelves are filled with styrofoam, which is absorbing the milk because the shelves are coming apart a bit. I've asked for 5 new shelves to be ordered.
When you flush them you need to call the company that monitors your cooler temps ahead of time and let them know what you're doing. The temps are going to rise and the alarms will go off. Also be sure you unplug each fan and obviously plug them back in when you are done. You'll have to do all this when the store isn't open. It took me about 2 hours each time.
I don't know about Eliminex because I don't have floor drains in my ambient room, so I never have used it. My SFT probably would have suggested it though if he thought it would have helped.
Bottom line is Target SHOULD have regular cleaning maintenance done in PFresh by an outside cleaning company but never will. Have you ever looked underneath your open air produce shelves? There's a fricking science experiment going on there. I've showed it to my STL and ETL but they didn't seemed concerned. They'll wait until the motors are overgrown with whatever is growing under there to react I'm sure!