Archived Merchandise Transfer

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Apr 7, 2016
Hey guys,

I am a backroom team member and have a couple questions on the new merchandise Transfer process on the zebra as compared to the PDA. We have a sweep tomorrow and I was asked to walk the backroom and scan overstock car seats and such to send back via transfer in the revlog app on the zebra. I have done that and hit continue on the zebra to continue with the transfer.

After I did no pull was dropped into revlog pulls or the PDA to send merchandise back to DC via transfer and it says that the watch was already pulled even though there was none to begin with.

Will that drop tomorrow on SWEEP day instead?

Another question I have is the paperwork for sending merchandise transfers. I heard it was a lot more paper work but what paperwork? I know you put the purple labels on both sides of each pallet but what about the rest of the paperwork is.

Any feedback or information is beneficial. No one here knows what they are doing with the merchandise Transfer process.
There is actually an issue on the backend causing Open Stock locations being attached to the batches and we've temporarily disabled IRC's. Last I checked the message was forwarded to be posted on the front page of Workbench.
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I also had random chip vendor products dropping into my transfers this past week as well as the open stock product.
Pulls will not drop. What you type in for quantities in RevLog, is what they're expecting you to send in.
The only time pulls will drop ( at the moment, likely) is the HQ initiated sweeps.
You will have to manually 'TAKE' / 'SUBT' items out if you wish to sweep them back.
Since you can’t do swadd anymore when you created additional transfer items needs to be pulled under subt outdated/damaged in the pda ( that function still works)as per exceptional sweep . Since you are adding the transfer to your regular sweep a
Manual bill of landing should be completed and attached to the merchandise that was not hq intiated.
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