Archived most pathetic thing you've seen at spot

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Jul 16, 2011
how about a thread for this most pathetic thing you've ever seen at target?

Mine would have to be watching an Stl trying to upsell a little kid while he was covering the electronics boat. He was covering a break, and a kid no older than 7 was trying to pay for a video game with his birthday/holiday/allowance money while his mom kept her distance, watching him learn responsibility without a parental safety net...

Well the Stl could have just rang up the video game and have been done with it, or he could have asked the mom, but he instead makes creepy small talk with the kid, and then asks if he needs any batteries, connector cords, or any cool things like that. Well I'm cringing and i'm sure our guest is too, as well as thinking this guy may need to register with the state and introduce himself to his neighbors when he moves and as a court order tell them a little about his hobbies....
that's too bad...that's sad. that definately makes me realize i've been fortunate with shift differential policy...
I have 2 interesting stories.
I knew a guy through some acquaintances that joined my store as a Cart Attendant. Unfortunately, I didn't know everything about him. After he started, I found out that he was into Cat-Play with his long-distance girlfriend. NO JOKE....He told me he would PURR and talk to her as a cat, and perceived himself as a jaquar and was looking into becoming a FURRY. Apparently on a consistent basis, while he was on lunch/break, he would go to the backroom and Cat-talk with his girlfriend on his phone in private. After AP caught him on camera in the back, the Execs fired him for being in a work area while off the clock.

He also crashed the cart pusher into the automatic doors.

I was working FA one night. I had a mother with a bunch of kids sitting in the corner eating while she was breastfeeding her baby. No prob there. Here comes the closing LOD, who was the new freshly off of training ETL-Log, he orders his food and sits right next to the family (even though my store had a stricked NO TMs Can Eat At FA rule). He then Ss up a conversation with the mother while she breastfeeding and talks about 30 minutes straight with her with a creepy stare. I definitely felt the STALKER vibe going on.

Then about a week or two later, he no-shows to let Flow into the store. No one can get a hold of him. He calls in a day later, saying he is in the hospital after an accident. HR investigates the statement and finds out he lied. The ETL-Log ends up quitting, demanded the store to give him cash for what he worked or he would never return his store keys. The entire store had to be re-keyed. I find out later he got a job with a Sears store in Loss Prevention.
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How the look on tm's faces about shift diff changes🙁

Yep, the offset they gave me didn't come close to covering it.
My raise might as well have been half the amount because that's what it took to match the shift dif balance left over.

Probably the most pathetic thing so far has been watching a TL gamely work at a job he obviously isn't at all happy at because Spot wouldn't give him the promotion to ETL and brought in someone who has been with the company less time than he has.
Have to give him credit for perseverance.
mine would be the eroding of benefits - it all began with a small trickle, a couple of drops here and there, just a light shower, then perhaps a small stream. Maybe a few puddles, but still navigable with a little care. Then the stream began to have a few rapids, with whirlpools, and then it was so bad there were dead fish downstream; some of them just gave up and died. Full blown Niagara Falls ensued. What will be soon left will look slightly like the Grand Canyon.

Team members who have been with spot a long time remember 7 paid holidays a year - and many other things that made spot more like a real job.

I am feeling kind of nostalgic for those days, I understand tightening the belt. But this is craziness.
mine would be the eroding of benefits - it all began with a small trickle, a couple of drops here and there, just a light shower, then perhaps a small stream. Maybe a few puddles, but still navigable with a little care. Then the stream began to have a few rapids, with whirlpools, and then it was so bad there were dead fish downstream; some of them just gave up and died. Full blown Niagara Falls ensued. What will be soon left will look slightly like the Grand Canyon.

Team members who have been with spot a long time remember 7 paid holidays a year - and many other things that made spot more like a real job.

I am feeling kind of nostalgic for those days, I understand tightening the belt. But this is craziness.
Friends who work in other retail would be all smiles at the end of the year when they got their Christmas bonus. WHERE ARE OUR BONUSES TARGET!!!
firing the specialist, while vehemently denying it was happening.
cutting benefits, while assuring tm that they were just trying to educate them on the high cost of health care.
opening at midnight when my team already spent their entire tgiving setting up ad, and returning 8 hours later so they couldn't enjoy their holiday.
taking away shift diff, because, hey, we know how well target already pays.
firing hundreds of people in MN, just to move the jobs to India.
moving an incompetent ass to the top dog spot, ensuring we would have social, media, and business blunders and wastefulness of the highest caliber. go ahead. you can argue that bob left it in a mess to begin with/economy/etc... all i know is that "adapting to change" was something put on your development to help you cope with on the go situations, not the daily application of the inner workings of target.
I spent years with Target. God I have so many stories I can't even remember them all.

One would be a pathetic ETL-HL we had several years ago. Constantly went around *****ing about his salary telling TMs "I don't know how they expect me to live on this money." and "I didn't go to college to make this kind of money". He made twenty times the pay he was crying to TMs about.

Another ETL-HL got on my ass royally because I let an 8 months pregnant electronics TM (I was the electronics TL) sit on a stool when she was assigned to cover the boat. She told me it was no excuse for her to have a stool. This same ETL-HL when she was pregnant herself a few months later (about two months pregnant) had a stool at the check lanes when she was helping with backups.

We used to have a consumables TL who was a serious bully to TMs. He was always hassling a TM, and one day this TL shoved him with both hands and told him he wasn't moving fast enough. I told them TM he needed to report it to HR and AP immediately, he refused. I thought it was pretty pathetic on both their parts.

We had an ETL-GE who whenever the talked about college bragged that she had people write her papers for her and cheated in every class she could.

We had a TL who used to take credit for clearing call buttons in hopes it would earn him better view in the eyes of the ETLs. He would get on the walkie and say "I got that, but I am far away can anyone get it?" for every call button that went off all day long, and then went back to doing whatever it was while a TM ran to get it. He usually only did this when he thought no one was around, but myself and several others noticed him do this on many occasions.

We had a guest break down and curl up in a ball in front of the electronics boat crying when we told her we didn't have the DVD she wanted in stock.

On black Friday we had a guest punch his way in to a locked case to try to get Nintnedogs before anyone else. His hand got cut so bad there was blood everywhere and we had to call 911.

We used have a TM who lied to everyone about everything. She lied about being in college, and told everyone she went to a famous college in my city. She would go around telling TMs "Hey you better get in college like me! You want to work retail forever?" She actually said this to our mentally handicapped cart attendant and caused him to break down crying. It later turned out she was a high school drop out and never had spent a day in college.

Probably so many more I am forgetting.
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He also crashed the cart pusher into the automatic doors.

This happened at my store too. Our cart attendant was walking up and I think someone called his name or something but he looked over and crashed the carts into the electronics side doors. Glass was everywhere.....
^^^ lol about 60 percent of hourly people at my store are chronic, pathological liars. They all hail from royal bloodlines and live the most amazing lives. They mostly work as spot to level out their awesomeness, and to keep themselves grounded so they don't die from luxurious overdose.

There have been a lot of liars that I encountered working at Target. No idea why, some of it was just pointless. For example, we had a TM who told everyone he was going on vacation to Russia for a week, but came in to shop three times that week. Then he told everyone what an awesome trip it was when he got back.

One of my electronics TMs actually ended up getting termed after working at our store for over a year when HR somehow found out he had lied about his name and date of birth. It was no mistake either - his first and last name were totally different than the name he used when he applied.
There was a cart attendant who crashed the automatic doors three times before he was termed.
I remember a guy who said he didn't care if he got a promotion. Then when he did not get it, he quit. I guess he lied about his true feelings.
I remember a guy who said he didn't care if he got a promotion. Then when he did not get it, he quit. I guess he lied about his true feelings.

Lol that has happened all the time. Well, not the quitting part.... just a bunch of whining for months after.
I had a ETL-GS that actually started to cry when the STL called him over the walkie and said he needed him to come to his office. He said the STL was mean and always yelled at him. Then he asked me what he should do! I told him grab a pen, and a notepad and get his butt up to his office. After he left the GSTL office I lost it and laughed for a full 10 minutes.
This happened at my store too. Our cart attendant was walking up and I think someone called his name or something but he looked over and crashed the carts into the electronics side doors. Glass was everywhere.....

Dude, same thing happened to me when i fuxored the cart doors at my store in march 2011.
It has to be opening at midnight on black Friday last year "to be competitive." More like desperate if you ask me. With that said though I really do like working at Target.
I believe the best one I experienced was listening to some corporate toad trying to explain motivation techniques to an ETL at my store. Brainiac's idea was one that he had apparently implemented during his time at the store-level. As a morning warm-up, he would have the flow team dance the hokey pokey. It encapsulated the corporate view of the peons so well. I imagined our team of seasoned vets being degraded like this and chuckled internally. I was tempted to ask Brainiac if they do the same routine at corporate headquarters, but lacked the courage to follow through. I also speculated internally how long Brainiac would have lasted with his platoon in 'Nam before they killed him. This is the type of person who, apart form a corporate environment, would be utterly useless. It gets to the heart of my problem with the corporate model, which rewards unimaginative, butt-kissing sycophants who don't respect their employees and penalizes enterprising, imaginative people who do respect their employees.
Saddest to me was a team member telling me that she had to call out of work because she couldn't afford the drive to get there because hours had been slashed so badly. Hours never did go back up, and she eventually left.
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