Archived Never worked Black Friday.Should I be worried?

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Nov 18, 2014
So I was chatting with a friend, who used to work retail. She said one of her managers actually received a cracked rib during Black Friday, due to a stampede. bad is it for Spot?

Thank you....New Nervous Cashier
It will NEVER get to that point at a target store EVER. If that does happen someone has royally screwed up and will most likely be without a job shortly. Spot makes a huge effort around crowd management every year to ensure nothing crazy happens. All crowd management will be handled by the CM and AP team and if anything gets out of hand they will step in. You have nothing to worry about except ringing guests out and making the best out of the experience.
Guy on the left looks like he was upset about not getting his flatscreen.
Wow, someone did a crap job of handling the outside doors.
When I did it we would only let three people in at a time, stop the line, then three more.
It might have been easier because it was me and one of the biggest bruisers from the backroom working the door but we never had anything like that.
it was me and one of the biggest bruisers from the backroom working the door but we never had anything like that.
You big hulk, you....;)

Not that big (a tad unconventional maybe) but I do have a very loud voice that carries even at normal speaking range, which helps a bunch when you're giving instructions to a crowd of idiots.
Yeah one of the first things we learn about crowd management is to never open the door unless the crowd is completely under control.
Honestly a lot of people think that it gets crazy but it doesn't. Like my first Black Friday I was terrified because I always thought it was going to be people running in but like everyone else said above, they do a good job at managing crowds. Not only that, it gets busy for maybe like 2 hours and after that it's just like a regular shift (especially cashiering).
As long as you aren't working in/near the electonics department it'll only be slightly chaotic. Otherwise prepare for waves of people rushing over to you, asking the same questions for the next 4 hours.
I've never had an uneventful black friday event UNTIL I came to target. Always orderly and well orchestrated.

Only thing you have to watch for is theft. Usually happens at the checklanes when guests will try to hide items under coats, scarves etc. then walk out since AP doesn't do a receipt and cart check for every guest leaving.
I have been working them for a couple years and sure you get the occasionally crabby guest but I have never seen full on fighting that's what AP is here for they keep things calm and cool.
I've never had an uneventful black friday event UNTIL I came to target. Always orderly and well orchestrated.

Only thing you have to watch for is theft. Usually happens at the checklanes when guests will try to hide items under coats, scarves etc. then walk out since AP doesn't do a receipt and cart check for every guest leaving.

AP is at the doors checking receipts at my store.
I'll be working in the food court, 1 to 7.

It's gonna be a RUSH!

AM or PM?

If it is AM you will just be doing cleaning and prep work because it will be dead. If it's PM then it's going to be busy, but not insane. It will be busy like the average weekend day this time of year.
We only let the initial crowd in through the single person door when we first open. The door used to let team members in early before the store is opened. Keeps everything much more organized and controlled.
It will NEVER get to that point at a target store EVER.

Less fanboi-ism seems to be in order. Target is no different than other retailers. Such occurrences are rare, very rare even, but they can happen just as easily at a Target as at any other retailer. It only takes one punch to break someones ribs, are you going to try and claim your store has the ability to stop someone from taking a single swing at a TM if they have the urge to do so? You might have someone close enough to break up a fight rather quickly, but by then damage can already have been done.

Don't get me wrong, the worst I had last Black Friday was angry guests swearing at me, I don't expect there to be huge issues at my store, or the OP's store, but to act like bad things can't happen at a Target store is absolutely ridiculous.
i've never shopped or worked black friday, so this will be my first, as well. if your store is anything like mine, the plan is to maintain a very controlled environment. i'm a cashier so i'm not worried about being trampled. i hope guests are as cordial during these sales as they are any other day. i've been very fortunate to have had very few grumpy guests! best of luck to you!
we only let people in via carts door until the line outside dies down. One side of the store is in the other out for the first couple of hours. Seems to keep things somewhat controlled.
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