Archived New To Forum/GSA Position

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Nov 23, 2015
Hello, I've been on this forum several times, but never created an account, but recently I've gotten a "promotion" to GSA (no pay raise since I've been told that presentation has the same base pay) and decided to create an account here.

I've been at Target for a little over a year now. Started at Guest Service, slowly learned my way around the sales floor before I was stuck on the Presentation team where I've been for the majority of my stay here at Target (P.S - Am I missing the thread for Presentation here? Couldn't find it anywhere, the main reason I haven't created an account til now). I've tried for GSA/Team Lead in the past, but it never lead anywhere, I was told I "wasn't ready" despite having previous jobs where I helped manage people. Well I guess I am finally ready.

I've been told by every single leader and GSA that they are really excited for me to be up there and they all think I'll do a good job (this is genuine, I'm good at telling the difference), but I am just nervous that it'll get a little overwhelming. The only reason I'm doing this is because I know it could lead to more hours, and when the presentation workload drops I normally go from 35+ hours to 20-25 and have to scramble to find shifts.

Any tricks or tips for managing stress as a GSA?
Welcome and congratulations on the promotion. I've given the same advice to everyone who becomes a GSA: the only way to not get stressed out is to not take it too seriously. As long as no one dies and the lanes don't catch on fire, there's nothing to be stressed about. Also, build trust with your cashiers. If you can trust them to do their jobs and give them the proper empowerment, then the lanes will usually run themselves. If you try to be too controlling, your cashiers will learn to call you for every little thing and you will end up running around the lanes like a mad person.
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