Archived New Years Day

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No Longer Employed by Target
Dec 29, 2013
Is it a common day for people to call in?

I hope so, but I wonder if it being time and a half makes it more appealing to people than it otherwise would be so the point that that causes people to avoid calling in hung over.

I was not scheduled to work it, but I do have 38.5 hours this week without it. I told HR that if anyone calls in to let me know and I will be there in ten minutes, the longer the shift the better, I need the money, and it doesn't count for overtime so me working a 10 hour shift and having 48.5 shouldn't be an issue since anyone else working that time would also be paid time and a half anyway.
in my dealings with Target if you have over 30 hours you are low on the call in list.....those hours would/could still be used by someone who needs it to make it to out of the teen's in hours worked. I also know that since that day is still officially part of the month of December your store may not call in anybody to cover hours because they are over in hours for the month.
I also know that since that day is still officially part of the month of December your store may not call in anybody to cover hours because they are over in hours for the month.


Why would that matter?

I've heard of daily overtime (it however doesn't exist in Michigan), and weekly overtime, but never monthly overtime.
Stores are only allowed (by corporate) to give out so many hours in a month. This number is based on sales. If sales are good, then they might start adding hours on the last week (or if there have been a lot of call offs, etc). If it's been a bad month (say there was a scandal involving 40 million card numbers being stolen or it was just a lousy sales month), then the store could burn through its allotted payroll hours and be cutting back the last week or so. The stl's bonus depends on this measure (among others).
Our HR maintains a pretty tight A-list for who they call in.
If your hrs are already high for the week, you'd get bumped down the list. But if there were an unprecedented number of call-outs, you could get lucky.
I got a call this morning. Only my phone didn't ring, and by the time my phone let me know I had a voice mail, (after I made another call), the shift they wanted me for was over halfway over. Not cool.
Stores are only allowed (by corporate) to give out so many hours in a month. This number is based on sales. If sales are good, then they might start adding hours on the last week (or if there have been a lot of call offs, etc). If it's been a bad month (say there was a scandal involving 40 million card numbers being stolen or it was just a lousy sales month), then the store could burn through its allotted payroll hours and be cutting back the last week or so. The stl's bonus depends on this measure (among others).

Interesting, that then does not bode well for me, I have 38.5 hours this week, I had uhh, 39.75 last week, and I had 52.25 the week before.

I figured it'd actually be the people with a lot of hours they'd want to come in (assuming those hours weren't overtime, which is a non factor on New Years Day) since typically here the harder you work the more hours they give you so their top performers are usually the people who get the most hours.

Seems weird to me that the STL'd get a bigger bonus for calling in the ditzy blond 18 year old cashier who only comes to work because her parents insist she has a job yet hates working and whines every time she doesn't get her way (seriously, I wanted to tell her that the cheese was in aisle G## the other day because she just kept whining and moaning about every little thing that didn't go her way) than me when I double her hours every week, bust my ass every day, and actually try to make guests as happy as possible.
No, the STL's bonus is based on if the store has 1000 hours to use for the month that he/she uses 1000 matter who it is (without sending people into overtime unless times are dire).

And hours should be based on availability/work centers trained in and not off of who is a top performer. They aren't supposed to play favorites with the schedule and give more hours to harder workers.
No, the STL's bonus is based on if the store has 1000 hours to use for the month that he/she uses 1000 matter who it is (without sending people into overtime unless times are dire).

Ahh, now that makes sense, I thought the amount of hours a specific person had in a month mattered.

Retail Girl said:
And hours should be based on availability/work centers trained in and not off of who is a top performer. They aren't supposed to play favorites with the schedule and give more hours to harder workers.

That however just seems silly to me. Why would you not prefer to call in someone who's productive over someone who is lazy? Does doing so not increase profits?

Availability though being a top factor does bode well for me, I told them I was available 24/7 every day, even holidays. with no exceptions. I seriously hate working mornings, but if they schedule me them I shall take them with a grin on my face, but I'm definitely a night owl, I prefer going to bed at 4 am and waking up at 10 than starting work at 7-8 AM. Closing is my shift of choice, so long as I don't get the bullshit closing shift followed by the opening shift the next day, even when I do though I don't complain, I'm just not happy about it.
That however just seems silly to me. Why would you not prefer to call in someone who's productive over someone who is lazy? Does doing so not increase profits?

Absolutely true and of course they are going to keep that in mind but they have other things to think about as well like ...
is this a person you want to keep in line? (giving hours is a tool you use to help and punish)
is this person a pet of yours?
if you are the one closing with them and you have issues with anyone who is (older, smarter, better looking, etc)
and finally are you brand enough?
Closing shift followed by an opening shift - ah, yes.....the dreaded 'clopening' shift.
Closing shift followed by an opening shift - ah, yes.....the dreaded 'clopening' shift.
One of my former TLs loved giving me the Sun/Mon clopening FRO shift. Then, when we went to extended hours a few weeks ago and I had to say "Uh, I am not leaving here at 12:30am and coming back at 6:00am." I had hoped for Monday off but no luck.
That however just seems silly to me. Why would you not prefer to call in someone who's productive over someone who is lazy? Does doing so not increase profits?

If you're that close to overtime, calling you in would mean paying you more than paying the new cashier who only has a 20 hour week to do the same amount of hours. I don't think anyone at my store who isn't seasonal is actually lazy, though. I think some people just go further beyond the call of duty. Also, everyone has their strengths. That person you think is lazy and angry could still be good at something else. I'm complete shit at redcards, but my infant department is applauded because I'm a beast at that tiny stuff (sorry, modesty ain't my thing). I don't get more hours for it, though haha. There are people who are actually, technically full-time so they get hours first. I get ft hours sometimes, but I'm technically part-time. One of my coworkers is the angriest, *itchiest people I know, but she turns her fast, fun, friendly on for guests so quickly. It's like watching a light switch on, then off.

On your topic, though, I will be calling out. I have a 5 hour shift. It's really not worth it, and my aunt said she'd give me the money I would've made (pre-taxes!) if I call out. Me and my mom are going to PA to bring the new year in with her and we initially planned to come back early so I could go to work.
I always work Wed/Fri.

Except this week.

Im assuming someone decided they wanted the time and a half more than giving me the hours. And gee, it would have made up for having 9 hours last week and 10 this week...

Anyway, my ETL is back o hopefully schedules return to normal.

I am still pissed about having to open my availability on wed/fri, and burning a second job doing after school care or a friend.... And they haven't scheduled that shift those hours yet. I put him in a big lurch for no reason. Ugh.
That however just seems silly to me. Why would you not prefer to call in someone who's productive over someone who is lazy? Does doing so not increase profits?

If you're that close to overtime, calling you in would mean paying you more than paying the new cashier who only has a 20 hour week to do the same amount of hours. I don't think anyone at my store who isn't seasonal is actually lazy, though. I think some people just go further beyond the call of duty. Also, everyone has their strengths. That person you think is lazy and angry could still be good at something else. I'm complete shit at redcards, but my infant department is applauded because I'm a beast at that tiny stuff (sorry, modesty ain't my thing). I don't get more hours for it, though haha. There are people who are actually, technically full-time so they get hours first. I get ft hours sometimes, but I'm technically part-time. One of my coworkers is the angriest, *itchiest people I know, but she turns her fast, fun, friendly on for guests so quickly. It's like watching a light switch on, then off.

On your topic, though, I will be calling out. I have a 5 hour shift. It's really not worth it, and my aunt said she'd give me the money I would've made (pre-taxes!) if I call out. Me and my mom are going to PA to bring the new year in with her and we initially planned to come back early so I could go to work.

The one is definitely actually lazy, she's a spoiled rich girl that clearly only works because her parents insist on her having a job to "build character".

Whenever she has to do anything above and beyond ringing up a guests items she gets whiny and tries guilt-tripping someone else into doing it for her.
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