Archived Not Allowed to Text Other TMs?

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Nov 3, 2014
At my store we're practically banned from ever texting another TM about anything. We can't talk about work, can't talk about things outside of work. We literally are told to not have any interaction with each other. So now I'm curious, is that a rule at your store too?
Uh, they really can't tell you who you can associate with after you are off the clock.
These are the kind of BS rules that are suggested (I use suggested because they really can't be enforced) when either management is worried about people talking about unions or people might be working off the clock.
Either way it's wrong.
If they're working off the clock, then give them enough hours to get the work done.
If they're talking about a union quit coming up with BS illegal rules that make them want to unionize.'

Now if you're saying they don't want you to use texting as a means of communication and want you to use Target brand methods that they can track say email through their server etc. that's just them covering their asses in case of SH lawsuits and I can kind of understand it.
We don't have that rule. Everyone above me know I text other team members and vs. I'm friendly with everyone and let them know they can text me if they need a shift covered.

I also give rides to people when we have the same shift. I think it's good to have a relationship with those that you work with. It provides a better work environment and makes the time pass quicker.

I think your store is just crazy and controlling. By dictating what you do on that level, is just absurd.
My store is similar. Morale is SO bad, you could cut the tension with a knife. I really am surprised a union hasn't tried forcing their way through the doors. Team members who hang out together are strongly cautioned on their behavior. I don't associate with any other leaders at my store, because most of them are gossipy-my personal business would wind up being common knowledge. Sad, but true.
Really quite the opposite of my store a lot of TM know each other outside of work. Pretty sure that rule is fake as off the clock is off the clock concerning target.
Really quite the opposite of my store a lot of TM know each other outside of work. Pretty sure that rule is fake as off the clock is off the clock concerning target.
I will give you a story, one of my ETLS was at a bar with her friends. She saw a group of team members at the same bar hanging out. She over heard them talking about work...the next day she wrote all of them up for working off the clock.
My Team Lead got fired for this very thing. She cared a bit too much about this shitty job and wanted to check in on work's progress while she was away on vacation. To shame her for caring so much they gave her the boot, despite the fact that other team leads do it all of the time. If Target doesn't like you, they will find a way to get rid of you, this is one of them.
My GSTL allows her GSAs to text he or call if they have a question and she is not there. I can understand if the management does not want you guys "goofing off" but they can not tell you what to do on your own time!
I will give you a story, one of my ETLS was at a bar with her friends. She saw a group of team members at the same bar hanging out. She over heard them talking about work...the next day she wrote all of them up for working off the clock.

Definitely a call to the hotline.
At my store we're practically banned from ever texting another TM about anything. We can't talk about work, can't talk about things outside of work. We literally are told to not have any interaction with each other. So now I'm curious, is that a rule at your store too?
Nope. My tl and I text often. Sometimes to give each other shit. Sometime he needs to ask if I want hours outside my availability before he gives them to someone else. Etc. everyone texts everyone at my store.

Everyone is fb friends w everyone also.
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Nope. Nope. No. If I'm off the clock, the company doesn't tell me what to do. This isn't people who are 5, target is not my parents and doesn't own me, or anyone. They don't have a leg to stand on here.
One of our GSTLs like to text us GSAs about how we are doing with REDcards, on her days off, and sometimes even when she's on vacation. Everyone knows she does it, too.

For things like that, I can understand getting a talking to/written up. But you sometimes start to hear them taking these things too far. They'll start to say "no texting each other" or "no events outside of work," or even "no friendships whatsoever." That's bullshit and I'll be god damned if I ever listen to any of that. I am one of those people who makes friends with my co-workers and what we do and discuss outside of work together is our business. If Spot wants to track everything I do and micro-manage my entire social life, then they better be paying me overtime for it.
I will give you a story, one of my ETLS was at a bar with her friends. She saw a group of team members at the same bar hanging out. She over heard them talking about work...the next day she wrote all of them up for working off the clock.

... How the fuck can you work off the clock when you're not even at your job?

I could see how that could be considered working, but I wouldn't really make a big deal out of it to say that GSTL is "working off the clock". That's a little extreme.
I text my TMs work related questions all the time. Like if I leave before closing and I text: "How did the zone go last night?", it's just out of curiosity.

Now if your GSTL texts you about REDcards and you don't respond, and then they write you up or coach you for not responding, then that's a different story.
Lots of things that seem minor can be considered off-the-clock working though, even when not at work. If you have a e-mail and are reading it unpaid (i.e., you're hourly and not salaried), which you could find a way to access from home, then you're working off the clock.
Sure, but what I take issue with is when TMs actually get written up for that BS.
In your situation, I don't think the GSTL should've texted you, but it's one of those situations that any reasonable person would overlook. It's like ringing up a guest when they're short a penny. Technically it's stealing, but who's gonna care unless someone's really out to get you?
Whereas the ETL who wrote those TMs up was obviously just looking for a reason to punish them.
It feels like the opposite at my store. I have my TL's number so I can text her if I need to know something related to my workcenter when she's not there since I rarely ever see her in person. Hell, I've gone to the local bar with a few team members and have come across our TL's and ETL's there. I figure the cooler we are with each other the more willing we'd be to do each other favors. That doesn't always work of course and team members will probably eventually start thinking they can get away with more just because they've hung out with their bosses a few times.
Nothing puts the "fun" in "fast, fun, and friendly" like wondering if big brother Spot is listening outside of work. I guess we're supposed to put rule 1/2 of Fight Club into effect from the moment we punch out to the moment we punch back in.
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