Archived Offered a specialist position a couple of days ago

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Dec 26, 2011
I've been trying to search the position, pay & hours but not much info is out.
It's as a shoe specialist, and after looking through the threads it sounds like most specialist positions have been removed.
anyone got an idea of what its really like to go through with this.
all I know is that I will be given more information as to what i will be doing on a daily basis and what my responsibilities will be.
I would really like to know if there will even be a raise, because everyone hates doing shoes.
shoes in our store is a total disaster,if they bring back a designated specialist for that dept it would be a step in the right direction but not likely,but you are in the right place to find out more info,it will be on this board first.
.50 cent raise, if any. Doing shoes is a hard job. You will be expected to do sp's, zone, Plano, & cover areas outside of shoes. My shoe person is great. She is like a bandit on the upkeep that area.
I believe it falls under the brand team member for apparel, which was a paygrade 5? So .25 cents perhaps? Or whatever your store pays for that level of position.
Shoes in our store hasn't been a disaster until the other day when they put a lot of slippers/boots/shoes on clearance. So you're right it is a total disaster and I am wondering if I should even consider such a position because I'm still new. I was seasonal and recently got asked to stay permanently which I accepted. My tl spoke with me about it because she says I can handle it and I probably will be able to, there's just the fear of starting a new position like this.
.50 cent raise, if any. Doing shoes is a hard job. You will be expected to do sp's, zone, Plano, & cover areas outside of shoes. My shoe person is great. She is like a bandit on the upkeep that area.

if you don't mind sparing some time, what exactly are sp's, and plano. I got a couple of days before my tl will be able to give me a better walkthrough.
Plano is setting up the endcaps and stepdowns.
The planogram team will do major revisions (with your help I'm sure) but you will be doing those.
It's not hard, just takes practice.
Be sure to team up with the signing specialist for all the big and little signs you will need.
Sp's are salesplanners used on focals or endcaps. Spot makes alot of $$ on them.
Planos are planograms that put brand products in the aisle by shelf label/location.
This info is in salesfloor training guide. If you can grab a copy, give a look.
Also, read the target talk at the top of this forum.
I don't think anything would be too terribly difficult, except for guests destroying your zone, and leaving your area looking like the aftermath of a tornado.
And it's always fun trying to set that truck-load of butt-ugly boots that finally went clearance....
I don't think it is more difficult then other jobs but it has the same flaw as everything,unless you are in a high volume store you will probably end up doing everything except shoes but still be responsible for it.
Shoes Merchandising Brand TM I think is the actual position... my guess is a .25 raise in your store (maybe .50 if you get lucky)...

You are obviously responsible for shoes, the biggest thing is ZONE and PTM!!! Get a good routine down with your ETL and TL and you will kill it (lots of maintenance)...

In terms of difficulty, it depends on the store! I would say of the old Salesfloor SP positions (MMB, Electronics, Shoes, and Jewelry), it is the second hardest after MMB...
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