Archived Online Apps?

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Aug 14, 2014
Every week, our conversion goes up a little from what our PDAs show, and I'm guessing it's because of online apps. But I've done an online app and nowhere is the applicant asked a store number. I'm guessing the rise in conversion is due to online, but how does that happen?

I'm not complaining! I love the Monday morning bump! But I am curious as to why the number of REDCards on the PDA , week to date, is different from the MyPerformance report on Monday morning.
I think it has to do with the area code on the phone number or the zip code on the address? I am not sure, but we are all getting them now!
The zip code sends the app to the nearest store. Which is great for my store since we are the only target for several zip codes.
This explains why our conversion was 6% last week.
The zip code sends the app to the nearest store. Which is great for my store since we are the only target for several zip codes.

Are you POSITIVE on this? My store is also the only Target for several zip codes, and this would really help resolve the issue where people never have blank checks to open a debit card.
This is correct. Each store has a specific radius of coverage (I'm assuming this is determined by zip code) and if a guest applies online, the credit goes to the store whose coverage area the guest's address falls under.

If a guest doesn't have a check on them but is willing to apply, one way to guarantee your store gets credit is to give them a paper application and write your store number inside. They still have to mail in a check with this method (and honestly most would probably prefer filling it out online), but it does give you credit regardless of where the guest lives.
Yes, the stores get credit for online apps, but individual employees do not.
I think it has to do with the area code on the phone number or the zip code on the address? I am not sure, but we are all getting them now!
exactly, anything in your zip code gets counted.

also, the registers suck. sometimes we get "give customer 3 dollar apology coupon" or other things that the app didn't go through. calling csc, it all gets counted. won't show up on the pda, but we get credit.
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