Archived Orientation day and other questions!

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Oct 29, 2015
Hey there, everyone! I'm really excited and nervous about my new job at Target, and was hoping you guys could at least put some of my worries to ease. :)

I start my Orientation this Saturday, and I'm gonna pop. It can't get here quick enough [this is my second job, even though I'm 25]! What are some of the things I should expect? My license and social security card are good enough forms of identification, right? Will I get my name tag? Do I get a tour of the place? Do I start training that day, or does that happen on my first day of work? About how long will I be there?

I've read a couple of threads from other seasonal workers wanting to be full time, and I was wondering if there's anything I should know about other than the completely obvious? I want to be able to stand out, and a lot of the "be cheerful" "guests first" "come in when called" "never pass up a chance to cross train" is what I consider basic work ethic. Who should I semi-frequently poke with my interest in full time? Who should I rub shoulders and be friendly with? Will frequently attending the volunteer functions they do make me look good [even though I plan on doing that anyway]?

I've only had one other job before this, and it was seasonal work in a warehouse. It broke my heart to get the Bye, Felicia letter, as I love working and having a job. I really don't want to have to go through that again, so I would appreciate any and all tips. Thanks guys and gals!
Thanks so much redeye! Will definitely take a look at that!
Used to have a fairly regular list but stores have changed things up a bit.
Some want you to come in red & khaki, ready to train after orientation; others, no.
Greetings and salutations.

Welcome to The Break Room.
It depends on your store if you will train right after orientation. My advice is to dress in Red and Khaki. Solid red and solid khaki. Don't wear anything with a design or pattern until you get a feel for how strict they are about dress code at your store, and then loosen up once you've decided.

If you're seasonal, you might not even get a real name tag, and just be given a blank sticker to write your name on every day.

Welcome to Target and welcome to The Break Room. Enjoy the ride.
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