Archived Out of dates

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Jul 20, 2012
What are some common out of dates you guys find ive only managed to make it into a few isles of dry grocery and a few things in frozen which i happen to notice.

Heres what ive found:
Hot dogs/sausage
Lunch meat pre packed
Archer farms pizzas
Crescent rolls/cinnamon buns etc in can
Horse radish
Mac n cheese

Is there anything you guys seem to have found alot of or consistently find?
When I'm doing my markdowns, it never fails to find something in the juice aisle. Last month I filled up a shopping cart of expired juice while marking clearance, so check there too.
Seasoning packets
Giada stuff
Archer Farms chips
Sliced/shredded cheese
Cream cheese
Freschetta/AF pizza crusts
Multipacks of gum
Family size bags of Pretzel M&Ms
Energy bars
Neosporine in the to go size
Philly Cream cheese singles
Kodak disposable cameras (checklanes)
Gatorade singles
Printer cartridges!
I know some aren't food however they do expire.
Archer Farm chips. Every time I reset the aisle I always find a cart full of expired chips.

And I really don't understand this, they are GOOD chips.

Yeah, yogurt is a biggie. I try to everyone not to stack it too high, or they will just get more, and more, but..
Yea thats an entirely new battle in regards to yogurt and capacities and fixing th accumulator on overstocked sales floor items.

Theres definitely some good ones to check out when we have some free time though.

Also find some of the odder brand cereal was starting to get close as well as a few cake mixes
Neosporine in the to go size

I know some aren't food however they do expire.
Your service desk team member will thank you if you monitor these consistently instead of finding a bunch all at once. One night I was closing guest service when our LOD noticed that a checklane had some of these that were expired. He proceeded to check all of our registers and brought them up to me to defect out. They were special handling and by the time they were all labeled and bagged it had taken almost two hours.
I think I've sold one of those in the 20 months I've been at Target. Why do we even sell them if nobody buys them?

I found a camera that expired in 2009... last week. Was on a checklane almost nobody ever uses, and oh yeah, it's a disposable camera, a technology almost nobody ever uses.
I found a camera that expired in 2009... last week. Was on a checklane almost nobody ever uses, and oh yeah, it's a disposable camera, a technology almost nobody ever uses.

Maybe the area our store is in is pretty old school yet because I seem to get a few people per week coming back to electronics asking for them lol!
Gatorade products, granola & cereal bars, AF chips, chocolate gift boxes. Anytime I check these items I find at least 3 or 4 OOD's
One day, one of my GSAs had us FIFO the gum and candy at the lanes. I found gum that had been expired for over a year. Though to be fair, I found it on a lane we rarely use.
Today, a vendor was complaining to me that the checklane candy wasn't FIFO'd. Even after the previously mentioned GSA started pushing us to FIFO the candy, I still got to hear the vendor complaining.
Your service desk team member will thank you if you monitor these consistently instead of finding a bunch all at once. One night I was closing guest service when our LOD noticed that a checklane had some of these that were expired. He proceeded to check all of our registers and brought them up to me to defect out. They were special handling and by the time they were all labeled and bagged it had taken almost two hours.

did you bag them all separately???
I just reset baking aisle last week and found fiber one muffin mix, cake mix, and brownie mix. We found a lot of coffee also.
Tortillas is usually a big offender at my store.

Yogurt is the biggest challenge by far. When they are stacked four facings wide, three facings tall, and nine deep, that's about a hundred yogurts to check. My SDA is usually 25 items, and most of them are yogurt! Then the LOD wants to know why it takes so long to to the SDA.... :angry:
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