Archived PA System Pranks

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Oct 11, 2011
Has anyone ever done a prank or witnessed one on the PA system? Basically someone making a funny announcement or announcing that they would be quitting over the overhead system? I would find this interesting as to what you would say (preferably on your last day, or what music you would play to really shake things up). For me, i would probably play a song called "Everybody's a Little Bit Racist" in honor of Target being so diverse lol.
No one at my store has either, but the walkie is another story 🙂 we've had toys singing on it, convos about "flavors" of kitty litter and just general silliness.
No one at my store has either, but the walkie is another story 🙂 we've had toys singing on it, convos about "flavors" of kitty litter and just general silliness.
Especially, the closing sales floor tms, and the overnight. Well, at least at my store.
For me, i would probably play a song called "Everybody's a Little Bit Racist" in honor of Target being so diverse lol.

No lie, this song was playing as I was reading. Heh.

Never been witness to a PA prank, but I'll second the occasional silliness over the walkie.
There were some a few TMs that prank call the operator every once in a while looking for strange products.

But there was one day, my store's PA system malfunctioned and was allowing the FA phone to pick up everything even while on the hook.

Last I heard, my store disconnected all the floor and lane phones from the PA. Only the operator station, Guest Service, and the offices can call into it. If yours still works, take a cordless and dial in and hide the phone in the restrooms. CLASSIC!
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One of my etls is a 49ers fan we always kid around saying "go Giants!" during

Another ETL keeps randomly saying GIANTS over the PA and walkie . Its a big laugh for all of us.
My store was pretty rowdy a couple years ago, and some of em (myself included) used to mock tls/etls on the walkie, making fun of their speech mannerisms.

We also had an idiotic airhead blonde etl-hr, and it was her first time opening and for some reason there was absolutely no other leadership in the store. She was trying to maintain a presence over the morning processes, but it was sad to witness because she had no idea of what really went on. And she was pretty much insulting team members intelligence, calling them on the walkie every ten minutes...back room how are pulls? Invictus taylor how is the line do you need any help (even though there was nobody to help lol)?

So finally people started openly mocking her on the radio and one guy even started calling her toots!!! lol lol lol
One of my etls is a 49ers fan we always kid around saying "go Giants!" during

Another ETL keeps randomly saying GIANTS over the PA and walkie . Its a big laugh for all of us.

Last sunday, our salesfloor etl and plano team lead were both wearing 49'ers visors and during ad setup were cracking ridiculous jokes about how they needed to stick together blah blah blah. I got some satisfaction later that night when the 49'ers blew it, just because they'd be crushed at work the next day...and they were visibly crushed lol!
Sometime before I was hired (another TM told me), one of the operators stuck around after closing one night and said something on the PA along the lines of "yo, this is DJ Pauly D, ...[somethingorother]...".
Do two hours of Lady Gaga count?
We weren't open, it was during an overnight Christmas plano setup.
There was a back and forth between the Christians and non-Christians over playing christmas carols during the set.
After listening to us bicker for an hour, the plano TL put on Lady Gaga until we promised to behave.
After closing one night (& faced with massive re-zoning), our ETL threatened to put on Lawrence Welk if the zone went into a 2nd hr.
Do two hours of Lady Gaga count?
We weren't open, it was during an overnight Christmas plano setup.
There was a back and forth between the Christians and non-Christians over playing christmas carols during the set.
After listening to us bicker for an hour, the plano TL put on Lady Gaga until we promised to behave.

That's awful. That's almost as bad as Cher... D-:
My store was pretty rowdy a couple years ago, and some of em (myself included) used to mock tls/etls on the walkie, making fun of their speech mannerisms.

We also had an idiotic airhead blonde etl-hr, and it was her first time opening and for some reason there was absolutely no other leadership in the store. She was trying to maintain a presence over the morning processes, but it was sad to witness because she had no idea of what really went on. And she was pretty much insulting team members intelligence, calling them on the walkie every ten minutes...back room how are pulls? Invictus taylor how is the line do you need any help (even though there was nobody to help lol)?

So finally people started openly mocking her on the radio and one guy even started calling her toots!!! lol lol lol

Hhaha. Annoying goldilocks hr.... Yup, got one.
So when you make the closing announcements at my store you pick up the phone and press page. Well when I first started as Softlines I was also working on an overnight film shoot that lasted a whole month linger then it was supposed to and going to school so needless to say lack of sleep prepped me for this one...I picked up the phone to do announcements but instead said thank you for calling the (location) target this is stuckinsoftlines can I help you find something? And have not heard the end of it since then...
So when you make the closing announcements at my store you pick up the phone and press page. Well when I first started as Softlines I was also working on an overnight film shoot that lasted a whole month linger then it was supposed to and going to school so needless to say lack of sleep prepped me for this one...I picked up the phone to do announcements but instead said thank you for calling the (location) target this is stuckinsoftlines can I help you find something? And have not heard the end of it since then...

Target tends to do those sorts of things to you. At my other job, I've had to stop myself from answering the phone with "hello, this is toys, can I help you find something?".

You should have said "USA Prime Credit, this is Peggy" in a Romanian accent. 😀
Not really a prank, but our photo specialist was leaving to be a flight attendant. So, on his last day, the closing LOD allowed him to use the PA system after closing to practice the flight attendant speech about flotation devices, seatbelts, emergency exits, etc. Was hilarious.
Not really a prank, but our photo specialist was leaving to be a flight attendant. So, on his last day, the closing LOD allowed him to use the PA system after closing to practice the flight attendant speech about flotation devices, seatbelts, emergency exits, etc. Was hilarious.

That happens often over the walkies after the night bell starts dinging:

"Thank you for flying Target airlines, please return your seats & tray tables to the upright and locked position."
:sorry::sorry:We used to do quotes from the movie "Airplane!" but not any more... :sorry:
:sorry::sorry:We used to do quotes from the movie "Airplane!" but not any more... :sorry:

"Shanna, they bought their tickets, they knew what they were getting into. I say, let 'em crash."
stewardess: "I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're saying."
Barbara Billingsly: "Excuse me, but I speak Jive. I can translate."
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