Archived Pay Increase from Cart Attendant to GSA?

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Feb 1, 2012
I was considered for a GSA Position. I'm sure this would help me for my future in target but the stress of being a GSA doesn't go well with me. I understand we have like different pay-grades. What on average (because I know everywhere is different) would I expect for my pay to increase to? Also do my reviews pay raise stack up with my promotion?
As static said, 50 cents. Your review will stack on top of it. It's a lot of extra work for 50 cents however if you're a cart attendant you know all about extra work.

I went from Carts>Guest Service>GSA and I like it so far
Focus on:

Cross training
Helping other TMs
Keeping up to date on best practice
Being flexible
Just an update apparently its a 1$ more at my store. Ive been starting training in Starbucks and guest service, soon I will be doing a little bit of Logistic Zoning,and truck.
Just an update apparently its a 1$ more at my store. Ive been starting training in Starbucks and guest service, soon I will be doing a little bit of Logistic Zoning,and truck.

Wow, really? I'm pretty sure new Team Leaders only get $2 now because of the addition of different tiers (I don't know the pay for the different tiers, I'm just assuming $2, $3, $4). For people wanting to become a GSTL it might be worth it to just be a GSA and not have to do BWs, Statuses, Reviews, Interviews, Coaching, Counseling, etc. Although the guaranteed hours can be nice... hmm.

Good job on the cross training, Carts!
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