Archived PFresh remodel - what to expect?

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Mar 8, 2013
My store is finally getting the PFresh remodel this summer after talking about it for what seemed like forever. Right now I'm the only Market team member in the store, besides our CTL. I'm just wondering what to expect when the remodel finally rolls out and is finished? I really hope they increase our team or give me more hours in market, or else it's going to be ugly. We constantly get the short end here - I've had one 5 hour market shift in 4 weeks so far, and consumables is a disaster right now, but that's a rant for a different day. I've heard about the PFresh Assistant too, and was wondering about the responsibilities that are involved with that, and if it's a sort of step up from just being a market team member. Thanks!
You will go through a lot of changes.
there are several threads on p-fresh remodels, issues, staffing, etc....just use the search option & below, up on the right.

pfresh grand opening
pfresh backroom issues
pfresh closing roles
pfresh asst
team work
fifo stuff
We are exactly a year out from our remodel & we did not get more hours. Your store will have fun trying to allocate payroll with staffing 7 more people for market/pfresh. I hope you well. We had an ETL within their first 7 months head up ours & that ETL now has a bad rep with a lot of team members because it seemed like that ETL didn't know anything about remodel...ha obviously, it was their first time ever leading a remodel. Just know if things get rough there is a thing called "support help". Other store don't want you to fail and you'll get the help you need! :)
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