Archived Pizza Hut Express

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Former Front-End Guru
Staff member
Jun 12, 2011
According to the upcoming transition communication that I read today, prices will be going up at the end of the month!

Bring back the buffalo chicken pizza!:give_heart:
Great, considering the margin on it is already like 80%, must be because 80% are going in the trash. 😀
Just finished my first week there. Only a few nicks & burns. The blue bandaids are becoming my fashion statement.
I was floored at how much we have to toss but even moreso at the mark-up.
The amount of food that gets thrown out is high. As long as team makes shortage a priority it does not affect the store.. There is simply just more food in the garbage. One of the easiest ways to drive comps in the area is to make more food even if it means more waste.
It's crazy the amount the prices have gone up in just the last three years. But it makes sense with the way things are going. I just wish they would focus more on the diversity of products, it would drive a lot of more guest in and increase sales in ph. Bring back the old products and bring in new ones. I heard there were a couple of stores testing a pizza hut cafe concept not sure what happen though.
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With all these fat people suing for places that "made" them fat to fat people suing because the seats are "too small" You'd think Target would offer more healthier options. Then again do many of the days "guests" even stop at food ave?

and I do apologize if I offended anyone with the above comment, but if you cant respect your self and want to blame others for your own actions then you dont deserve my respect.
With all these fat people suing for places that "made" them fat to fat people suing because the seats are "too small" You'd think Target would offer more healthier options. Then again do many of the days "guests" even stop at food ave?

and I do apologize if I offended anyone with the above comment, but if you cant respect your self and want to blame others for your own actions then you dont deserve my respect.

When I saw the actual calorie facts for the items offered at food avenue, the only things I buy now is a cup of coffee and the humus with chips. I wish there were healthier alternatives, but that wouldn't be fun.
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I would say the flatbreads, the parfait, and even the chicken tenders are pretty good nutritionally for what you get. Pizza Hut is terrible for you, but that's a given.
You are what you eat, which makes me fast, cheap & easy I guess.
The few times I've purchased at the store (brown-bagger out of economy) have been either a salad or yogurt parfait.
I would say the flatbreads, the parfait, and even the chicken tenders are pretty good nutritionally for what you get. Pizza Hut is terrible for you, but that's a given.

PS: Parafaits are no longer to be assembled in-store. They will come pre-packaged by Dannon.
I knew there was a catch to ordering that Food Ave. pizza all the time...

If I get a lunch, I try to find something on the sales floor to buy, but if I only get 15 min (which is often the case lately), then I only have time for a quick order from Food Ave. (almost always pizza).
I just read on workbench... the Breakfast Burritos are going away! *cries* WHYYYY???? IMHO those were the best breakfast burritos ANYWHERE, certainly trumps McDonalds. Now I will make it a point to eat one every day until they are gone.
You are what you eat, which makes me fast, cheap & easy I guess.
The few times I've purchased at the store (brown-bagger out of economy) have been either a salad or yogurt parfait.

Those are both delicious - I love the caesar chicken salads! I brown bag it now - trying hard to save $
The first time I made parfaits, the berries were runny & it looked like a bloody mess (literally) against the vanilla yogurt. :bad:
The time I did at a FA-Pizza Ex. was fun. But it made no sense when we got the directive to prep 3 batches of 80 pizzas a day when we actually sold about maybe 150 pizzas on a busy day.

The meat toppings is where the money is really lost.

I worked at a McAlister's for about a month (I am glad only a month) before joining Target. Just working a four shift, I was coming home smelling like deli meats. I completely lost my appetite. I was barely eating one meal a day because the site of food made me sick. I lost about 20 pounds in that one month.
I worked at a McAlister's for about a month (I am glad only a month) before joining Target. Just working a four shift, I was coming home smelling like deli meats. I completely lost my appetite. I was barely eating one meal a day because the site of food made me sick. I lost about 20 pounds in that one month.

I can only imagine.

The only thing I actually get at FA is a rice crispy treat.other than that I try to brown bag my lunch.
Yeh, after helping prep dozens of pizzas I can safely say it's turning me off Pizza Hut. :bad:
Yeh, after helping prep dozens of pizzas I can safely say it's turning me off Pizza Hut. :bad:

Urgent notice came out today. Burritos are being discontinued from the breakfast menu in addition to this transition.
I learned to make the deli sandwiches last week & then I saw the breads they sent for THIS week & they're like 3/4 the size of the previous ones! We also got some of the new yogurts in, too. About half the freakin' size of the others!
Is everything shrinking?!
I just read on workbench... the Breakfast Burritos are going away! *cries* WHYYYY???? IMHO those were the best breakfast burritos ANYWHERE, certainly trumps McDonalds. Now I will make it a point to eat one every day until they are gone.

The McSkillets are pretty good. They are bigger. Not too found of the smaller burritios.
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