Archived Problem Resetting New EHR Password

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Dec 25, 2015
So through sheer stupidity, I ended up locking myself out of my account and after unlocking and resetting my password about 4 times over the phone, I've finally given up. The thing is, whenever it gives me the option to change the password to my choice, it refuses to move past the page. Like, it'll give me prompts saying what requirements I need to meet for the password to go through but after that, nothing. I'll keep pressing the buttons, refresh the page, change the preset password and still, nothing happens. I assumed it was just my laptop but it's doing the same on my phone as well. All I wanted was to see my schedule for tomorrow...
One of the techs had trouble resetting hers at the store the other day as well. I even made up one for her and it wouldn't take it.
Target Client Support Center:
1 (612) 304-4357
To reset your password, press 1, and then 1 for English, and then when prompted enter your
TM number followed by #
Last 4 digits of social security number followed by #
4 digit birth month and day followed by #

Press 1 to reset the password. You can't change your password over the phone, you can reset it and get a temporary password valid for 24 hours. You can only change your password in store, I've heard rumblings that it works from home but it has never worked for me.
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