Archived Promotions and false promises

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May 31, 2017
I've worked at two different Target stores and witnessed the same thing in both: They'll use good TMs and lead them on about giving them a promotion as just a way to get them to do a bunch of extra work for no extra pay.

I've seen it happen with several people now. They'll pick a TM who is a good worker, enthusiastic, loyal, and compliant. They'll talk them up like they are going to train them into a higher position, get them all excited so they start asking them to do this and that, and usually TMs are willing...until 6 months to a year later when they start wondering when they are actually going to be hired for that position and you know, be payed for their extra work. Usually they get tired of waiting and quit.

So how many has seen this happen?
Many leaders are known to dangle the false carrot and that's not cool, people sometimes put Target ahead of other career opportunities because they truly believe that their leadership wants them to go far in the company.

That said, not every situation is leadership trying to screw a TM over. Some TMs have been put in the pipeline and then they get complacent or they can't pass their interview. Until you're on the TL Bench and signed off, nothing is in writing so you have to have that same hunger that got you noticed in the first place.

Any TM who feels they're stuck, keep pushing and working your butt off until they can't help but promote you. I was wiping down the breakroom one day when I made an impression on my HR director. Don't let them forget about you! When you get recognized, don't get complacent but take it up another notch. Either an opportunity will present itself for you at Target or elsewhere.

We had a bench TM who was waiting forever for a promotion, he got a TL position at a higher paying store because we kept dicking him around. He went from 12 an hour to 19.

The one myth is that your leaders think you are way too valuable in your TM role to promote to TL. That's BS, my ETL HR went to bat for me lol. Then she put me in her review as evidence she can develop talent and she's on the STL bench. There is no real benefit to holding a team member back from promoting.
I have to second HRZone, not everything is the same. Of course there are bad leaders who do that. However, you can't always assume that they're just stringing them along. I think it's good to give leaders the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes the timing is wrong, there's conflicting priorities, and you get overruled. It sucks but keep pushing until it's obvious you need to be promoted or seek employment externally if it comes to that
Yeah in my first store, when I was a TM, my leaders definitely tried to get me on the path to promotion. Had great interview prep and support.

I guess it looked good on their numbers or whatever, not saying I wasnt good enough to be a TL, but honestly they probably didnt give a fuck about me, and it looks good to district to see them promote TM to TLs
This is exactly what i've been afraid of. My etl recently just asked me about moving up, which came as kind of a surprise because i've only been in red for close to a year now, while a few other tm's have been there for almost a decade. But we've had a recent span of mass turnover, which sucks because we lost a lot of good people only to have them replaced with what are essentially living breathing ghosts.

My etl is a nice person, but i wouldn't put it pass her to try to appease me for a bit because of the lack of motivation from the rest of the guys. Me at half speed is still twice as fast as anyone at full speed back there, which has sucked so badly because i've been getting pulled into all areas to help compensate for the slower guys, and its starting to burn me out quicker then 4th quarter did.
This is exactly what i've been afraid of. My etl recently just asked me about moving up, which came as kind of a surprise because i've only been in red for close to a year now, while a few other tm's have been there for almost a decade. But we've had a recent span of mass turnover, which sucks because we lost a lot of good people only to have them replaced with what are essentially living breathing ghosts.

My etl is a nice person, but i wouldn't put it pass her to try to appease me for a bit because of the lack of motivation from the rest of the guys. Me at half speed is still twice as fast as anyone at full speed back there, which has sucked so badly because i've been getting pulled into all areas to help compensate for the slower guys, and its starting to burn me out quicker then 4th quarter did.

Just because a person been there a decade, doesnt mean they are leadership material.
Stores mess up hiring "good" TMs, thinking they all can be leaders
Sure, i agree, but i just didn't wanna leave a brick wall of text. There are plenty of tms who've been there almost a decade who are way more qualified, more global, can quote the lingo and actually understand it, understand the system and all. What caught me off guard was that as fast as i am, i really didn't care too much about the target culture, i always avoided the kool aid really.

I've gone through all the old posts on the leadership boards here, and everything that people suggests for being noticed and bumped for promotion, most of those i barely can meet. I'm not global, i rarely talk to any TL's outside of my direct one, i'm cordial with my ETL but other then random small talk, we rarely ever chat. And i can get by with passable target lingo, but barely. This was really just a part time job for me till i graduated. If you asked my honest opinion, i felt like there was too much management saturation already. Some days we have more TLs and in the store then actual tms.

But of course i was curious too, so i bit. We'll see if this is just a carrot stick routine, or something more. I wouldn't mind having more responsibilities honestly, as of right now i just happen to be the best grunt. And menial grunt work is so dull sometimes.
My issue with this is when leadership asks a tm to do long term duties that would normally fall to a higher paid position.

For example ... A tm is asked to assume the duties of the backroom tl because that tl will be gone for 3 months for surgery. Extra pay? No, but if you do a good job we'll talk about a promotion. Tm busts ass for 3 months. Never gets promoted.

Now, I'm not saying they were never interviewed or developed. They could have bombed the interview. But the company got 3 months of tl work without paying the extra pay.

I've seen type of situation a lot.
I’ve been in that situation. Where they strung me along and then nothing happened until the HR stepped in and made it happen. Though I had only wished they had given me another role then one where I’m independent most of the time.
I know that for other companies I have worked for, I have associates that are good TL potential. But then someone comes along that is better. Or that person reveals a character flaw that I can’t work with (usually gossiping or sharing confidential information. I’m in the hr field and it’s a huge no-no to share wage information.).

Yes, I have seen managers string along TMs. Usually it’s because the manager doesn’t like hard conversations and not about getting extra work out of someone. No one wants to hear that they aren’t living up to previous promise and some people get really argumentative, which is just more reason to not promote them. When you like someone but need to correct them and you know they will make their situation worse, sometimes you avoid the conversation and hope the person will figure it out.
We have a backroom TM who was well liked by our ETL-LOG and was recognized at almost every huddle. It looked like this guy was going to go somewhere, fast.
That ETL-LOG quit, and this backroom TM disappeared into the backroom. He changed, he went from one of the best performers to a puncher... punching in and punching out with nothing much in between....its sad to see someone so crushed, disappointed and hopeless.
I don’t know if he was promised anything by the ETL-LOG, he might’ve been, but all that , the recompense of his hard work was contingent on that ETL being there, not the bigger picture of Target beign a Corp. where talent is recognized and rewarded.
I've coach everyone and try to find their strengths. Had one TM tell me they wanted to be a TL, but it was only for the hours and increased pay. I still talk to them to develop them, but I told them you have to know what you want and how to manage to even be considered. I hate the games some leaders played, we had an ETL that was developing a TM to be a lead or ETL, management at the store changed and basically they gave the last 3 TL positions to people more senior that are poor managers. I've also been at a store that had 2 people that had been managers before with a high work ethic and they were going to leave them as TMs and hire externally. I've also heard directly from an ETL before about not promoting someone because they are too valuable in a position. At that point the information makes for a good resume. They got a much higher paying job outside of Spot in less than a month, Spot had their chance. ASANTS, some stores are just dumber than others.
For example ... A tm is asked to assume the duties of the backroom tl because that tl will be gone for 3 months for surgery. Extra pay? No, but if you do a good job we'll talk about a promotion. Tm busts ass for 3 months. Never gets promoted.

There's a procedure for temporary promotion. An informed tm should request confirmation for that extra work.
This has happened to me and at least one other TM that I know of at my store. At first, I was excited about being mentored by my TL and then about an interview to possibly move into another, better paying position. It wasn't long before the other TM and I figured out that we'd been played. Now, with the way things have gone, I figure I dodged a bullet and am just as glad to not be part of the leadership at my store.
That's BS, my ETL HR went to bat for me lol. Then she put me in her review as evidence she can develop talent and she's on the STL bench.

aaaaand that right there is evidence of a good leader.

Strive to lift those around you up and motivate them to perform to their best, and then use that to show that you make a greater impact than just doing your own work.

I firmly believe that any TM in the building can do that and make their work center a better place.
I've worked at two different Target stores and witnessed the same thing in both: They'll use good TMs and lead them on about giving them a promotion as just a way to get them to do a bunch of extra work for no extra pay.

I've seen it happen with several people now. They'll pick a TM who is a good worker, enthusiastic, loyal, and compliant. They'll talk them up like they are going to train them into a higher position, get them all excited so they start asking them to do this and that, and usually TMs are willing...until 6 months to a year later when they start wondering when they are actually going to be hired for that position and you know, be payed for their extra work. Usually they get tired of waiting and quit.

So how many has seen this happen?
That was me. Now I don't give a shit, and can't wait to quit.
I'm not quitting, but I don't give a shit either.

There was a time when I did...
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