Archived Purchasing product guidelines.

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Nov 9, 2012
So a quick question here. About four years ago at my store there was/is? a guideline of having to wait 15 minutes before buying clearance or high demand merchandise.
Is this still a guideline? I haven't been able to find it in the new handbook.
What are some of your stores guidelines for purchasing clearance or high demand merchandise ( I remember a big one being the stupid toy hamsters ZuZu pets being an issue one year haha)
At my store, absolutely yes for all high demand and markdown items. Before veering from this policy check with stl or etl ge first. This is one of those policies that is either not enforced or strictly enforced, depending on the store
This is one that isn't enforced at my store, high demand clearance, repacks, as is, and online items get picked up like candy and held for TMs until they have a chance to buy it (like a break or end of shift). My last day I found a torn up package, but the product was alright and I wanted to buy it, GSA told SDTM to repack ticket it and hold it for me until my break. :D

You could say stuff like that is unprofessional or something, but it really is just a perk of the job and a nice thing to do for TMs. Again, check with your store to see what the guidelines are because they vary from store to store.
At our store, the items have to be on the salesfloor (not in the BR, or on hold, etc.) and on the floor for 15 minutes - that gives a guest a chance to buy it.
In my store if it's on the floor during open hours it's fair game. Assuming you buy it on break.
This is one that isn't enforced at my store, high demand clearance, repacks, as is, and online items get picked up like candy and held for TMs until they have a chance to buy it (like a break or end of shift). My last day I found a torn up package, but the product was alright and I wanted to buy it, GSA told SDTM to repack ticket it and hold it for me until my break. :D

You could say stuff like that is unprofessional or something, but it really is just a perk of the job and a nice thing to do for TMs. Again, check with your store to see what the guidelines are because they vary from store to store.

Same here. It doesn't need to be on the floor...just accessible to the TM. And it can sit for days on end while the TM debates about buying it or waits for the clearance price to go down. I don't play those games...because I am not going to be the one that gets caught when the LOD is in a bad mood.
My store is fairly lax with the purchasing, as long as it's on the floor it's fair game. Usually our problem is a TM sees a video game for like $5 on our d-code endcap or flexed about, they will often hide it or borrow electronics' keys "for a guest" retrieve the game, and stash it somewhere. Sometimes in my photo lab, because "there's so much space and nobody will look there"

Yeah, I look there, dummy. And unless I see a piece of paper saying to leave a certain item somewhere, it's going back where it should.
I think it's stupid when the item is clearance and you have to "wait 15 minutes because someone might buy it"

No if you have a guaranteed person purchasing it let them have it.
On the floor is fair game for my store. As long as you're not working(your time) and the store is open.
If it's on the floor it's fair game, but we will absolutely not hold ANYTHING that has a red sticker on it for guests or TMs.
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