Archived Question about breaks

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Jun 17, 2011
My team works 4-11am currently. The break schedule says my team gets two 15 minute breaks and one half. We're told by the STL that the computer is completely wrong and we don't get one of our 15s. But HR tells us we do get them because the computer is never wrong. So... Who is right on this situation?
My team works 4-11am currently. The break schedule says my team gets two 15 minute breaks and one half. We're told by the STL that the computer is completely wrong and we don't get one of our 15s. But HR tells us we do get them because the computer is never wrong. So... Who is right on this situation?
Your STL is correct. If you work 4-11 with a 30-minute meal break you are working 6 hours and 30 minutes so you get one 30-minute meal break and one 15-minute paid rest break. You need to work 7 hours to get that second 15-minute break. Your HR is not taking that meal break into account.
Depends on where you're located. At California Targets, a dayside TM is entitled to one unpaid 45 minute meal and two paid 15 minute breaks if they are scheduled six or more hours. And that includes the lunch. So when we schedule someone from 12pm to 6pm. They get 2 breaks and a lunch.
Just make copies of your meal and break guidelines, highlight the important parts, then leave them on the STL/ETLS desks. Very effective lol.
My board says scheduled 7 or more we get one 30 and two 15s. We're in the building from 4-11 still I thought that was being scheduled 7 hours according to my state. I'm not sure, I'm just going to be a jerk and make a phone call to find out. Other stores close to me do it differential so I'm a little annoyed. I just need clarification.
Now if you scheduled for 7 1/2 hours, I can see all the breaks. But with the 30 minute break will put you at 6 1/2 hours, like others have said. I would take a 15 min & 30 min break, if It was me. You talk to to your etl hr about it too. Spot may decided to reduce your hours because you said something, just a warning.
Tmsc number is below.
It is according to hr (and a huge deal that happen at my store) two 15's and a 30 min. It is if you are scheduled 7 hours which from 4-11 it is 7 hours lunches don't matter to your total hours
It is according to hr (and a huge deal that happen at my store) two 15's and a 30 min. It is if you are scheduled 7 hours which from 4-11 it is 7 hours lunches don't matter to your total hours
They like to pretend we don't get a second 15 at my store too. The problem is the break/meal guidelines are posted right beside the schedule. It clearly states two 15 min breaks if you work 7 hours and your 30 does not count. It depends on who does the breakout.
When figuring out break entitlements, do not subtract the meal period.

6-Hour States
Scheduled at least 4 but no more than 6 hours: 1 15
Scheduled between 6 and 7 hours: 1 15, 1 30
Scheduled 7-12 hours: 2 15's, 1 30
12+ add another 30.

5-Hour States
Scheduled at least 3.5 but no more than 5 hours: 1 15
Scheduled between 5 and 6 hours: 1 15, 1 45
Scheduled 6-10 hours: 2 15's, 1 45
10+ add another 45

30's and 45's are considered meal periods and you punch out and back in for them(unpaid) but the 15's are paid non-working time, no punches required.
If any of you are having issues getting all of your breaks, take my previous advice and make copies of your guidelines. They should be posted near the time clock somewhere in TSC. Highlight the parts that matter and leave copies on your STL and ETL HRs desks. Tell no one about it. They will get the message.
I'm serious about this guys.^ It works. Sometimes leadership is so out of touch that they don't even know the policies. Plus you're already getting shorted on pay for what you do, why give them any free work time?
Depends on where you're located. At California Targets, a dayside TM is entitled to one unpaid 45 minute meal and two paid 15 minute breaks if they are scheduled six or more hours. And that includes the lunch. So when we schedule someone from 12pm to 6pm. They get 2 breaks and a lunch.

That's why my store liked to schedule folks for 5.75. Just need to give a 15 min break and send you out the door!
That's why my store liked to schedule folks for 5.75. Just need to give a 15 min break and send you out the door!

Worst shift ever. When I was a cashier, I would constantly get scheduled for 5.75 hour shifts, it's the dumbest thing. My strategy was to take my fifteen later, so that I would have it towards the middle of my shift. Otherwise, if I took it 2 hours after I came in, then I have another 3.5 hours of work and that's pretty grueling as a cashier. Thankfully, ever since I moved out of the cashier position I've pretty much always gotten full 8 hour shifts.
That's why my store liked to schedule folks for 5.75. Just need to give a 15 min break and send you out the door!
Worst shift ever. When I was a cashier, I would constantly get scheduled for 5.75 hour shifts, it's the dumbest thing. My strategy was to take my fifteen later, so that I would have it towards the middle of my shift. Otherwise, if I took it 2 hours after I came in, then I have another 3.5 hours of work and that's pretty grueling as a cashier. Thankfully, ever since I moved out of the cashier position I've pretty much always gotten full 8 hour shifts.

5.75 cashier shifts are the worst. No matter when you take your break, you're still standing at the register for way too long. When I was a cashier, I preferred long shifts (i.e. 8 hours) because at least I would get a lunch (so I could eat a proper meal instead of something from the vending machine at dinner time), and having more breaks made it seem like time was going by faster for some reason.
Worst shift ever. When I was a cashier, I would constantly get scheduled for 5.75 hour shifts, it's the dumbest thing. My strategy was to take my fifteen later, so that I would have it towards the middle of my shift. Otherwise, if I took it 2 hours after I came in, then I have another 3.5 hours of work and that's pretty grueling as a cashier. Thankfully, ever since I moved out of the cashier position I've pretty much always gotten full 8 hour shifts.
We can't choose when we go to break. So 2 hrs in they send me to break and then I'm dying by the end of my shift.
We can't choose when we go to break. So 2 hrs in they send me to break and then I'm dying by the end of my shift.

Ask GSTL/GSA about switching your breaks. I used to work a 5-11 closing shift. GSA would have me scheduled for my first break around 7 and my meal at 9 0r 9:30. I prefer to eat at a more typical dinner time, so I'd ask her to swap. She was actually more than ok with it because after 9, we'd only have a cashier or two and she'd only be down one for 15 minutes. Taking my meal earlier meant she'd have more cashiers to cover the load. But anyway, just ask if you could go a half hour or hour or whatever later. Chances are if no other cashier is due to go on break at that time, they'll be cool with it.
5.75 cashier shifts are the worst. No matter when you take your break, you're still standing at the register for way too long. When I was a cashier, I preferred long shifts (i.e. 8 hours) because at least I would get a lunch (so I could eat a proper meal instead of something from the vending machine at dinner time), and having more breaks made it seem like time was going by faster for some reason.

The 8 hour cashier shifts seem to go by faster than the 4 hour shifts. The 4 hour shifts just drag out.
We can't choose when we go to break. So 2 hrs in they send me to break and then I'm dying by the end of my shift.

Usually if you just ask the GSA to send you a bit later, or swap breaks with someone else, they won't have much of a problem with it.
If you are scheduled 7 hours you DO get two 15 min paid rest breaks. When someone is scheduled in myTime, the scheduler has to physically right click your name and choose to add breaks. If you are not scheduled your breaks accordingly in myTime, your name will come up as an exception with a yellow triangle and exclamation point. To prove that you are supposed to get all those breaks, have your HR TM test by adding a shift to see what the computer generates. But in all reality, if you are on the break out showing two 15's and a 30 min meal - that is accurate.
7 hours on paper, not looking at breaks or punch-out lunches, is two breaks. That's the way I've always done it because MyTime will generate two breaks for the TMs with 6.5 hours. I have a co-GSA who will insist on TMs with "6.5" hours not getting their last break -- and most of the team has been conditioned to just give up on it because of him -- and it makes me pretty salty. He'll probably go far with that mindset.
Just make copies of your meal and break guidelines, highlight the important parts, then leave them on the STL/ETLS desks. Very effective lol.
Or carry a photo copy with you. I've made a habit of this because of the numerous times I was denied a break when I was a cashier. There are people who don't schedule the breaks properly simply out of ignorance.
If you are scheduled 7 hours you DO get two 15 min paid rest breaks. When someone is scheduled in myTime, the scheduler has to physically right click your name and choose to add breaks. If you are not scheduled your breaks accordingly in myTime, your name will come up as an exception with a yellow triangle and exclamation point. To prove that you are supposed to get all those breaks, have your HR TM test by adding a shift to see what the computer generates. But in all reality, if you are on the break out showing two 15's and a 30 min meal - that is accurate.
But that doesn't mean thing won't get crazy and your break will get missed. I'm so new that I don't even question it. But I've had a few breaks get missed.
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