Archived Question about electronics

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Given how I got to Electronics (I went from Hardlines/Cashier to pretty much all Electronics after one of the main Electronics guys left our store), I think that's a pretty big jump given that you probably haven't been trained in zoning aisles and all the other main salesfloor stuff. There is a little more to Electronics compared to doing regular salesfloor like tracking attachments to items sold and keeping a closer eye on guests than you normally would since Electronics is usually the place where a good chunk of thefts take place, but it's really not a lot and will become second nature to you after a few shifts. Plus, unless it's Christmas/Holiday time, you generally don't have to worry about working in the busiest/worst part of the store.

In terms of calling it a 'promotion', I wouldn't really call it that unless your store is short of TMs who can do full shifts in Electronics (much like my store). If that's the case, then you'll probably get a lot more hours compared to your co-workers who are nothing but cashiers and/or some other position where there might be more people working that area/department than they need in a given day.
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I would consider it a promotion being that there is more work involved and a pay increase. I'm assuming OP is referring to leaving the front end and working in electronics as their main work center. Even if you still cashier and the majority of your hours are in electronics, you are entitled to the electronics pay increase.
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