Archived Questions arose about my bumper sticker.

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Team Member/Troll
Jun 16, 2011
They had a problem with my bumper sticker.

I got my review, an IE, and I wasn't happy about that.

So I made up my own bumper sticker and put in on my car,

"I am inconsistently meeting expectations and proud of it!"

Apparently it is not Fast, Fun, and Friendly. They asked me to take it down and I told them no because I didn't agree with the review but they made me sign it anyways and this is one of the few ways I could demonstrate my dissatisfaction without anybody being upset.

To their credit, management agreed that I could keep it but they asked that I do not have it when corporate is making an announced visit. It's currently in the maybe column.
They had a problem with my bumper sticker.

I got my review, an IE, and I wasn't happy about that.

So I made up my own bumper sticker and put in on my car,

"I am inconsistently meeting expectations and proud of it!"

Apparently it is not Fast, Fun, and Friendly. They asked me to take it down and I told them no because I didn't agree with the review but they made me sign it anyways and this is one of the few ways I could demonstrate my dissatisfaction without anybody being upset.

To their credit, management agreed that I could keep it but they asked that I do not have it when corporate is making an announced visit. It's currently in the maybe column.

Can i get one???
I'm kinda confused.
Why is Target getting mad at a personal bumper sticker that he has on a personal car o.o

Unless I am missing something.

I understand that it's poking fun at Target but... it's on his personal property..?
Here's an earlier version that I made, it's the only file I kept on it after I printed.

I chose the purple coloring against the white background to show it off more.
Target is kinda of like big brother. But I do believe they can force you to take it off. But this would be an excellent question to ask a labor lawyer.
I want one too. I think you could make serious bank selling those.
Target is kinda of like big brother. But I do believe they can force you to take it off. But this would be an excellent question to ask a labor lawyer.
I am completely unfazed by their legal department.

We have crossed swords in the past.
It's his personal car that is parking on their property while he is working.

At our store, the parking area in front of the store is actually owned by the company we lease the property from, Target has no say in enforcement of anything on the lot.
Hypothetical: What if the bumper sticker said, "I'm on corrective action"? (Without the question mark) Discuss.
IMO, Talan you are in the clear.

It is your personal vehicle. Its not at all part of Target. And if it does not clearly state that the bumper sticker is directed toward Target or has a bullseye, then no guests should know what it means. Only TMs and Leadership. And technically you are not a representative of Target until you clock in.

But I think your leadership is going to give you a hard time about it. Yes its poking fun at them. They might react by giving you a hard over simple things that are normally passed over.
I'm confused. I clicked the link & it took me to media fire. Do I have to download a file? IMO, I don't see there could be any problem with the bumper sticker. If it had Targets logo on it might be a different story since you are an employee. But I'm not a lawyer, just my two cents.
You can take that *.pdf down to Staples and Office Depot and get it made for your car.

Unfortunately, my husband is super picky about things like that. Does not like bumper stickers on the car. And when I clicked on that it went to the Media Fire thing. Is there something I need to download there?
Mediafire is just a website that lets users upload and download files. Talan uploaded his pdf file there, so the website he linked to is the download page for the pdf.
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