I'm Lost! Scanning IDs?

May 2, 2020
Hi all. I apologise if this is the wrong thread!! I started over a month ago but I don’t run the register often (beauty consultant and it’s been slow). When I was trained on register I was taught to key in ID dates. It’s super inconvenient and sometimes I type in the wrong date (ie I accidentally typed in 1999 instead of 1989... Had to ring the beer up separately ://). I know you used to be able to just scan IDs with the hand scanner. Can you still do that now?
Hi all. I apologise if this is the wrong thread!! I started over a month ago but I don’t run the register often (beauty consultant and it’s been slow). When I was trained on register I was taught to key in ID dates. It’s super inconvenient and sometimes I type in the wrong date (ie I accidentally typed in 1999 instead of 1989... Had to ring the beer up separately ://). I know you used to be able to just scan IDs with the hand scanner. Can you still do that now?
Yes, and in fact, it’s best practice. You should always be scanning if possible. If your state’s ID has two barcodes on the back, scan the bigger PDF417 one (the one that kinda looks like the target wallet barcodes)