Archived Seasonal

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My friend and I both started and had orientation in August of 2018, and we were both hired as seasonal. I was hired as cashier (crosstrained at guest service/self-checkout), and my friend was hired at Starbucks. My friend told me that, last week, he was pulled in by ETL and offered a permanent job, along with someone else also at Starbucks. I haven't been offered a job or fired or anything, and I've been scheduled again since this all happened. My friend (also works cashier, self-checkout, guest service) started in early July and also hasn't heard anything. Is it weird that we haven't heard anything but the person at Starbucks has?

Thank you.

Starbucks people correct me if I'm wrong but aren't tm trained in Starbucks like a unicorn? So you want to keep them.
Different ETLs handle seasonal transitions differently. Some are more communicative than others, so as long as you're scheduled, keep coming in. You could also ask.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but a seasonal employment isn’t supposed to last for more than 135 days. Right? Which if you had orientation in August, the 135 days would be up mid-December, early January. Maybe check Workday to see what your position is set as.
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