Archived Second Go Around

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Jul 27, 2011
Hey guys.

I originally worked at Target from 2010-2012 in Charleston, SC. I got hired as a seasonal cashier in November 2010 and was kept after my 90 days.

I had just recently graduated from college and needed some form of income while I decided what I was going to do next.

I got trained in guest services and my coworkers were really cool. Then I started to see that all of the TLs and management in general were pricks.

When I started my masters they kept scheduling me on days when I was in class. I had to go to HR numerous times to get the issue straighten out. I could get into all the other BS that I saw, but I would be here all day (lol).

Thankfully, I found a much better paying job and was able to get out of what me and my former team members used to call the hell hole in June 2012.

Fast forward to now. My girlfriend recently got a position with the New Hanover County Public Library in Wilmington, NC. It offered a $10,000 pay increase, and we knew it was an opportunity that we couldn't afford to pass up. So we made the move.

I'm really apprehensive about working for this place again (), but we've only been here a week and I need something for the moment to keep me busy while I continue to look for a more fulfilling job. I just attended a job fair for several county positions and they really seemed to like me ().

It's a new state and city so I'm hoping it's not as bad as my previous experience. My orientation is in 10 minutes. I have my fingers crossed that this go around it's better, and I'm hoping that I'm not here that long because I found something better.
Welcome to The Break Room.

Be careful not to post information that could be used to identify you. Hopefully your second time around will be more pleasant than last time. Best of luck.

Enjoy the ride.
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