Archived sending flow home early question

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Jul 16, 2011
so on monday, our etl and tl informed us that however late we stay on monday, they would be sending us home early on wednesday and friday. Monday's truck is always huge so it took us an extra two hours to finish.

Part of me thinks this was a stupid threat to get the team working faster. We've heard similar bs before, such as another store who always gets done on time was going to be coming to our store after they finished their truck to help us finish our truck. Nothing like this ever happened, so I'm trying not to get worked up about what we heard yesterday.

My question is, is there any policy against them sending the flow team home early, even if there is still freight to push? I know schedule questions like this came up before, but if anyone knows, I'd like to know for tomorrow if they try this.
I know that I have also been told to use that tactic. There are some flow team members who will work towards the hours and make their speed match. Those are the folks you wish would just find another job. They bring the rest of the team down. There are others who work their behinds off from the minute they punch in until they punch out for the day. Right now productivity is key. If my team, ALL of my team is busting it out I am usually okay. But if the STL walks by and sees two people standing around. I don't know the legalities of sending people home early, but I do know that you can send everyone at their scheduled time to leave if the truck is done or not. I also was challenged with the "other store always comes in on time" thing too. However that other store does not work the McClane order, they do not backstock salesplans or the cartwell that has been taken down, they do not attend the 15-20 minute huddle every morning, they do not work cosmetic freight (their cosmetic brand tm does)and they have 3 more people scheduled for the same size truck. This is not an apples to apples comparison. Let us know if they do in fact do this or if it is just a scare tactic.
If your ETL has been told that they need to cut hours then they will wherever they can. I once worked with an ETL- Logistics who consistently worked 14-17 hour days. He would finish the last of the push and trash and whatever else needed to be done. If hours are that bad then realize that ETL's don't get paid by the hour and may get their hands dirty. I see my current STL PTM aisles all of the time because we are a low volume store. I would say that if you aren't happy with the amount of hours that you are getting that you talk to HR about becoming cross trained. If you are on the 4am flow team then working on day-side shouldn't be that difficult. Keep up with it though, first quarter is always brutal.
I see my current STL PTM aisles all of the time

I see my stl do eff all. So does everyone else at my store.

But thanks for the replies thats helpful that you tell me you have been told to use that tactic.

Us guys on flow said we should take them up on the offer and just show up two hours late tomorrow, you know let them worry about getting the truck off, and maybe it would give them some alone time to think!
rather than threatening that if the truck isn't complete that the team will be sent home, maybe they need to say "hey if you guys complete the truck before goal time, we've got lots more stuff to do so you get your hours". then performance out the bad people.
our store was having a problem with tm stretching their times to make sure they got hours. once the etl promised they would work their schedule regardless of the workload, and coached the people goofing off, it got better. they got done ahead of the goal times and then would do reshop, ptm aisles, i even taught a handful to set pogs. now if we need help or have a super heavy week, they're the first people i call.
on the flip side, they can send you home whenever they want, regardless of schedule. but they may have to pay you if you come in and don't work at least 3 hours (can vary by state).
so on monday, our etl and tl informed us that however late we stay on monday, they would be sending us home early on wednesday and friday. Monday's truck is always huge so it took us an extra two hours to finish.

Part of me thinks this was a stupid threat to get the team working faster. We've heard similar bs before, such as another store who always gets done on time was going to be coming to our store after they finished their truck to help us finish our truck. Nothing like this ever happened, so I'm trying not to get worked up about what we heard yesterday.

My question is, is there any policy against them sending the flow team home early, even if there is still freight to push? I know schedule questions like this came up before, but if anyone knows, I'd like to know for tomorrow if they try this.

This stuff has been going on for years at all the stores I have worked at. Usually it happens in February...the first fiscal month of the year because all stores have to start meeting their 2012 payroll goals right off. As the year goes forward, and stores can "bank" their saved hours, payroll can be flexed accordingly and usually team member can stay longer to finish the truck.

This is going on at my store now. All us Flow Team members were all told that we could not stay past our scheduled hours. Next month payroll will "loosen" up and we will be allowed to stay to finish up the truck.

And "yes" they can send you home early after three hours anytime they want. They can also eliminate shifts if a truck is canceled whenever they want. Just roll with it!
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At our store they've been using ETL's, TL's plano, instocks, whoever they can get their hands on to finish up the trucks.
They don't threaten the guys but they do send them home when the schedule says they have to go home.
I have to hand it to my E's if things are bad they do get out and push.
It took a while for them to figure out but even the glee club kids can learn.
Us guys on flow said we should take them up on the offer and just show up two hours late tomorrow, you know let them worry about getting the truck off, and maybe it would give them some alone time to think!

Whooo... Don't do that, then they'll get you all for a NCNS. It's probably just a tactic to motivate. However I am sure it doesn't work to often.

"My question is, is there any policy against them sending the flow team home early, even if there is still freight to push? I know schedule questions like this came up before, but if anyone knows, I'd like to know for tomorrow if they try this."

As to this, they don't have to keep you past your scheduled shift, even if there is freight on the floor. Can they send you home early? Nope.... They can ask, you to go home early, but they cannot say "your going home because we need to cut hours". You are obligated to work the hours that your scheduled without being cut unless you volunteer.
At our store they've been using ETL's, TL's plano, instocks, whoever they can get their hands on to finish up the trucks.
They don't threaten the guys but they do send them home when the schedule says they have to go home.
I have to hand it to my E's if things are bad they do get out and push.
It took a while for them to figure out but even the glee club kids can learn.
very normal at our store too. who ever is on the salesfloor will be pushing the truck. we have been doing this since about october. the tricky one is they are scheduled a 4 hour shift, occasionally the truck is done before that, if they are sent home before that, they do not get their break. should they? Just a couple of my Exec's will help push. then it always seems, that you get about half way through, and everyone is MIA. So 2 or 3 people are stuck finishing.
Well so far it was just an empty threat. They did send us home right at scheduled times.

I guess I can't really complain, because last year we were getting atleast one truck cancelled every two weeks last year during this time. But this thread raised another issue, because a lot of times they didn't call to tell us the truck was cancelled, and we'd show up only to be sent home. I wish I knew about the three hour minimum, because they played it slick and pretty much tricked us into volunteering to just leave, when I think they owed us those three hours.
Whooo... Don't do that, then they'll get you all for a NCNS. It's probably just a tactic to motivate. However I am sure it doesn't work to often.

"My question is, is there any policy against them sending the flow team home early, even if there is still freight to push? I know schedule questions like this came up before, but if anyone knows, I'd like to know for tomorrow if they try this."

As to this, they don't have to keep you past your scheduled shift, even if there is freight on the floor. Can they send you home early? Nope.... They can ask, you to go home early, but they cannot say "your going home because we need to cut hours". You are obligated to work the hours that your scheduled without being cut unless you volunteer.

I wish you worked at my store. Numerous shifts have been eliminated or cut when a truck has been cancelled to save on payroll. But, my STL has tried to get away with a lot of things for years at my store, including denying team members their saved vacation pay up to their average hours unless it has been requested in advance. After all, he wants his bonus. The problem is that if you complain or report it, they cut your hours even more...or better yet, "performance you out!" They win no matter what.

Just remember this when you are an STL, not just an "STL in making." Treat people fairly...that's all I want the company to do!
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